

Hello you Tau Beta Pi-ers, remember that some due dates are definitely coming up.

Below are the list of times during which the TBP E-Board will be in Ingalls to collect dues.  As a reminder, dues are a lifetime fee of $70 and will help cover you for the cost of membership, food, and events throughout the remainder of your time in the Massachusetts Eta Chapter.  Both cash and check (made out to Massachusetts Eta Chapter of Tau Beta Pi) are acceptable.

10/30: Marvin 1-2 pm, Ben 5-7 pm ,

10/31: Doug 2-4 pm

11/1: Diana 5-7 pm

11/2: Marvin 1-2 pm

11/5: Merinda 2:30-4 pm

11/6: Patrick 11:30 -1:30 pm

11/7: Patrick 10-12 pm, Merinda 2-4 pm


Also, if you have not yet done so please remember to send in the name of your faculty recommendation as soon as possible to

All application materials except the bent are due by Wednesday November 7th at 5:00 pm. This includes the essay, community service hours, professor recommendation, and dues. The Bent will be due at the Bent Ceremony which is on Friday, November 9th at 7:30 pm.


TBP E-board



How Fly Are We?

Sometimes people tend to think of Engineers as being Enginerds! However, it's much deeper than that. We immerse ourselves in a world of numbers, theorems, vectors, and analysis. But this provides us with a life lesson and a methodology with which we live out our lives. We see math in things and start to realize that what we once wondered and marveled at can be reduced to equations and ideas that make sense. The world starts to make sense, and we are able to share this understanding to help others. As an engineer-in-training, I see myself as one who wants to better help this world by employing what I have learned. Life is beautiful and even though wonders can be reduced to equations, we can still suspend our understanding for a while to share a collective awe resulting from seeing a plane fly takeoff, looking at the light of stars light-years away, and knowing that we are all connected.

We're Pretty Fly! (Treasurer Douglas and Corresponding Secretary Merinda)


"I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive..."

~Nicki Minaj


Engineering Futures Seminar and More!

Wow so the the Engineering Futures Seminar was off the hook! It was quite wonderful to wake up in the earlier hours of a crisp Saturday on October 6th, 2012 morning in order to kick off the weekend.  Cheryl was quite wonderful in explaining the different concepts inherent to being a good leader both as an engineer and as a people-person. We did some impromptu skits, presentations, and ate delicious bagels with cream cheese all while having a blast giving public talks in front of our peers.

We are all attentive to Cheryl
We did it!

Also don't forget that Monday October 15th at 7pm in Photonics 206 is the Boston University Tau Beta Pi information session. There will be free pizza, soda, and an awesome-sauce presentation by the Tau Beta Pi e-board yolo!


October is Coming!

Ahh the smell of Pumpkin Spice Venti Lattes wafting through the air as we hurry from one side of Commonwealth Avenue to the other can only signify one thing; that October is coming! Except that instead of a Game of Thrones we are instead doing a Game of Bents. What is a Bent you may ask? Well that question and many more will be answered in the weeks to come because Tau Beta Pi has many exciting events for both Engineering Students as well as Tau Beta Pi members. Check out the Dates and Announcements Pages to see what things are coming up in the schedule, especially if you have been invited to be a member. Also check our Twitter!

And remember that we are having the Engineering Futures Seminar this Saturday, October 6th from 10am-2pm in PHO 201.