
Upcoming Events!

Tau Beta Pi Futures Presents:

Effective Presentation Skills Workshop

Come learn about the skills needed to become a successful engineer not just in the classroom, but also in the real world as well. There will be formal presentations concerning:

  • Getting over the fear of public speaking
  • The do’s and don’ts of oral presentations
  • How to deliver effective team presentations
  • Role-playing exercises (not your grandma’s typical D&D role-play), videos, and group exercises

When: Saturday, October 6th, 10am – 2pm

Where: Photonics 201

Who: All Boston University Engineering Students


Tau Beta Pi Information Session

Integrity and Excellence in Engineering

Come learn about what Tau Beta Pi is really about. How does one gain entry into the hidden conclave that is Tau Beta Pi? Who are we? What do we do? How does getting into Tau Beta Pi help my chances at getting a job or getting into Graduate School? What the heck is a Bent?!

When: Monday, October 15th, 7pm

Where: Photonics 206

Who: All Invited Tau Beta Pi Engineering Students

Why: Because we are who we are, and THERE WILL BE FREE FOOD!!!