When you are in an airplane and looking out into the beautiful sky, what do you think? Well, I always thought about how amazing it would be to soar through the sky like Iron Man or Superman. Apparently, Yves Rossy also had the same idea. He became the first and only man in history to fly with a jet-propelled wing. After being a military pilot, Rossy worked for Swiss International Airlines flying commercial flights.

All wings work on the principal of lift created by the shape of the wing in the opposite direction of gravity. In simple terms the top surface of a wing is convex whilst the bottom or under side of the wing is flat. As air flows over the wing shape the pressure decreases on the top surface and the pressure increases on the under surface. The result is lift.

Jetman originally developed and built a system comprising a backpack with semi-rigid airplane-type carbon-fiber wings with a span of about 7.9 ft and powered by four attached Jet-Cat P200 jet engines. After he has jumped out of the airplane, the engines are ignited giving him the forward speed required to fly. The first flight lasted for a little over six minutes and reached a top speed of 186 mph. After about fifteen models, Yves Rossy reached a maximum velocity of 300 mph that lasted about ten minutes. One day, you will look up at the sky and I WILL BE JETMAN!


The Ancient Argentavis

Six million years ago, Argentavis Magnificens soared across the Argentinean skies . It is the largest flying bird ever discovered and was the size of a small aircraft. Argentavis had a wingspan of approximately 23 feet, a wing area of  75 square feet, and a length of about 12 feet. It weighed 150-170 pounds, which is an average weight for a human. Along with its monstrous size, it had a massive eagle-like beak which allowed it to swallow animals the size of rabbits with ease. This bird was certainly a feared predator.

Natural History Museum in Los Angeles

Natural History Museum in Los Angeles

Argentavis Magnificens

Argentavis Magnificens

There has been skepticism over the years about whether we can be 100% sure that this bird was actually able to fly. If we look at all of the anatomical evidence, it seems pretty obvious that this creature was able to fly in some sort of way. It had long, strong, and air filled wing bones which are features that are not found in flightless birds. The spacing of attachment points for the creature's secondary feathers also indicate that the bird was capable of flight.

It is extremely difficult for birds with such an enormous size to be able to fly. The main problem that large birds have with flying is the lack of muscle power output in proportion to their weight. As the body size of the bird increases, the weight increases faster than the muscle power output. Therefore, larger birds have proportionately weaker flight muscles in comparison to smaller birds that are able to generate instant lift. Through analysis of the bird's skeleton, it was determined that the maximum amount of power generated by the Argentavis was about 3.5 times less than the minimum power required to keep sustained flapping flight. How was this creature able to fly?

The Argentavis can be best described as a master glider. But, the take-off and landing process was no walk in the park for this giant. There are two ways in which the Argentavis Magnificens would have taken off. One way to take off would have been to gain speed by first running down a slope. This can be an exasperating process because they would need to run down a slope with a 10 degree angle for 30 meters to generate enough lift for flight. If they chose to generate enough speed by falling, they would need to be find a spot high enough to drop about 20 meters in order to level out in still air. Argentavis was basically set up for a crash landing. With a minimum glide speed of 18 m/s, landing must have been an extremely difficult task without gliding into some headwind. However, once in the air, these creatures flew with efficiency and grace by constantly re-shaping their wings during flight. It is believed that they were able to soar for great distances at a very shallow angle of 3 degrees, reaching speeds of up to 150 mph! This incredible and mysterious extinct bird still baffles us today.


Early Flapping Flight Designs

It seems like since the beginning of time, man has always been intrigued by the idea of flight, more specifically, the idea of flapping flight seen in birds. Birds seem to fly with little to no effort so it is not surprising that the earliest designs in flight would emulate birds.

The first writings on trying to use the idea of flapping flight date all the way back to the 4th century BC in the epic Ramayana, but there were not any recorded designs made from the descriptions in the writing. The first person to research the flight of birds in depth was a legend of the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci. He began studying the flight of birds in the late 15th century and designed sketches a model known as the ornithopter, which in Greek means “bird wing”. The ornithopter would later be used for inspiration for the design of the helicopter.

Sketch of Leonardo Da Vinci

Sketch of Leonardo Da Vinci's Ornithopter

The sketches of the ornithopter made by da Vinci used a system of pulleys and gears powered by the arms and legs that would make the wings move in the fashion that a bird’s wing does. Da Vinci’s design was not based on an idea of having a wing attached to each arm of a human and having that person flapping their arms up and down because he discovered that humans were not strong enough to generate the power needed to fly. The amount of lift needed to put a human in the air was physically impossible to achieve so the lift to drag ratio compared to that of a bird was much too small due to the lack of lift generated. The only way to overcome that factor was to add the system of pulleys that would multiply the force exerted by the human’s arms and legs and transfer that power to the wings to make them flap fast enough to generate the lift needed to fly. Da Vinci did not make a full scale model of his design, but many other future innovators in flight would try to perfect da Vinci’s design and build a machine that would allow humans to fly through the phenomenon of flapping flight.


Ornithopter image
"Early History of Flight- Kites - Hot Air Balloons - Early Gliders"

Shinkansen “bullet trains”: Biomimicry at it’s best.

Being an engineer is difficult. Not only do you have an extremely demanding workload and challenging classes, but you also get the prejudice of being, well, a nerd. "Oh, you're an engineer? Never mind, you probably haven't even been camping." or "I guessed you probably don't like animals because, you know, you're  an engineer." are the types of phrases I've heard too many  times. Just so you know, engineers are not soulless people who spend their entire lives next to a computer. On the contrary, many engineers actually spend a lot of time in nature studying animals and plants so we can incorporate their traits into our own designs.

Shinkansen Train

Biomimicry is the examination of nature, its models, systems, processes, and elements to emulate or take inspiration from in order to solve human problems.Engineers use biomimetics all the time to solve today's problems, one example being the Shinkansen bullet train. This japanese train can operate at up to 200 mph, and is used to transport people quickly and efficiently. Even now scientists are trying to improve the train, but not to increase the speed of the train, but to lower the sound of the train. Japan has a law that does not allow trains to produce more than 70 decibels of sound while traveling through populated areas.

Scientists and engineers have encountered two major problems with this law, one being that the faster the train goes, the more sound it makes, especially when the air hits the current collectors that receive electricity from the overhead wires, called the pantographs. The other problem is when the train leaves a tunnel, the air being compressed by the train creates a sonic boom.

Owl Feathers

The solution that the engineers found to the first problem was actually derived from nature itself. We learned from an interview with Eiji Nakatsu that they overcame the noise problem by studying owls and conducting wind test tunnels to analyze their sound. "We learned that one of the secrets of the owl family's low-noise flying lies in their wing plumage, which has many small saw-toothed feathers protruding from the outer rim of their primary feathers. Other birds do not have these feathers." (Nakatsu)

The saw-toothed wave feathers are called "serration feathers" and what they do breakup the larger votrexes that cause noise by createing smaller vortexes in the air flow. After many years of research they were able to add "serrations" to the main part of the pantograph which reduced the sound enough to abide by the law.

belted kingfisher photo

Belted Kingfisher

However, they still had the problem of the sonic booms that were produced as thetrain emerged from a tunnel. This problem was also solved by observing nature, "One of our young engineers told me [Nakatsu] that when the train rushes into a tunnel, he felt as if the train had shrunk. This must be due to a sudden change in air resistance, I thought. The question the occurred to me - is there some living thing that manages sudden changes in air resistance as a part of daily life? Yes, there is, the kingfisher."

The Kingfisher is a type of bird that dives from the air, which has low resistance, into high-resistance water, and incredibly does it without splashing. Nakatsu thought the reason was the streamlined shape of its beak. They conducted tests to measure pressure waves arising from shooting bullets of various shapes into a pipe. The data showed that the ideal shape for this Shinkansen is almost identical to a kingfisher's beak! They then fitted the front of the train with a design similar to the kingfisher'sbeak, and they problem with the sonic booms was gone.

Humans use nature everyday for inspiration, even in engineering. Even Nakatsu says, "I learned first hand that truth can be found in the way life exerts itself in order to persist and carry on in this world.". This train is one of hundreds of examples of engineers learning from nature in order to make human lives better. The next time some one tells you that engineers are boring and one sided, stand up and say "No we are not!".

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Ballooning With the Stegodyphus Spider

This spider is a little guy, and that is the only reason his mode of transport works. When the Stegodyphus wants to move long distances it takes to the wind. It will raise its tail in the air and release a large amount of threads in the air. After it has released enough the wind will create enough lift for it to actually take off.

There are 21 different species of the Stegodyphus. Most are found in Africa, Europe and Asia. There are a few species that have made their way to Brazil. Not all species of Stegodyphus use ballooning as a form of dispersal.

These creatures are very small with an average length of only 10mm, and an average weight of only 85 to 150mg. This small mass and body size are the reason that it is able to be carried away by the wind. This type of transportation obviously has a very small mass limit. The spider lets out 3 to 4 strands of thread to induce this floating transportation, each a length of about 60 to 80 centimeters for an overall length of 1.8 to 3.2 meters. The original study states that they can reach altitudes of over 1000 meters above the ground.

The most recent study has shown that the Stegodyphus is able to gain altitude after releasing many strands of silk. These fan out to create a large surface area, which enables larger or more massive spiders to disperse as well. Although they have no ability to maneuver while in the air it is impressive that they have found such a unique way to disperse themselves. This technique obviously works well, because they have spanned to four different continents.

I was unable to find a video of this happening, but a few pictures illustrate just how this works. In the first one you can see how they raise their tails to begin releasing the thread. In the second photo if you look closely behind its tail you can see some of the thread.



1. Wickler and Seibt. Springer Link. Aerial Disperal by Ballooning in Adult Stegodyphus mimosarum, 1986. 2 Oct. 2011.

2. Joh R. Henschel, Jutta Schneider and Yael D. Lubin. Journal of Arachnology. Dispersal Mechanisms of Stegodyphys: Do They Balloon?, 1995. 2 Oct. 2011

3. Jutta M. Schneider, Jörg Roos, Yael Lubin, and Johannes R. Henschel. Journal of Arachnology. Dispersal of Stegodyphus Dumicola: They Do Balloon After All! 2001. 2 Oct 2011.