Monthly Archives: March 2014


by Juliane BUMC has started a mentoring program for postdocs. As part of this mentoring effort, Joanne Kamens, executive director of Addgene, gave a very interesting talk about how to be a good mentee. It is a lot of work; to get the best out of a mentoring relationship the mentee has to be proactive […]

the postdoc guidebook-part 6 the end

by Juliane I am almost done with reading the postdoc guidebook. This last part is about research. Let’s see if this covers more than RIMS. Brownie points for mentioning the training courses, some links need updating and most trainings are now online, so the only a few times a month restriction doesn’t apply for lots […]

the postdoc guide book part 5

by Juliane The next part of the postdoc guide book might be the most important part. Finding services; this part tells us about the great services BU offers its employees. I am not being sarcastic here, BU is actually a great employer, they just like to hide a lot of their offers on obscure websites […]


tomorrow starts our first BUMC mentoring program for postdocs! That is pretty exciting!  

protein of the month- Prune

  This is a prune, I believe that that’s basically a dried plum. It is very very healthy and contains lots of vitamins and fibers and all this important stuff , however most people don’t seem to like it all that much. There are also at least two proteins, called prune, PRUNE 1 and PRUNE 2, […]

the postdoc guide book part 4

By Juliane The next part of the postdoc guide book deals with housing. This is a topic very close to my heart, because when I moved to Boston everybody in my lab was either too political correct or too uninterested to tell me that apartment hunting in Roxbury isn’t something a single woman should be […]