Tagged: industry

The Art of Follow-up

by Lauren, CEO of propel careers this post is reposted from the propel careers blog. Following up with individuals who you meet at scientific conferences, through networking, and other activities is important to develop relationships with your connections. Over time, these relationships can provide insight into industry, various career paths, and job opportunities. These connections should […]

Advice for Listing Research Details on Your Resume

by Lauren, CEO of propel careers this post is reposted from the propel careers blog When you apply to a job, the details listed on your resume provide your “future employer” with information about the type of job you are looking for. The key words you include, the way you phrase your accomplishments and experiences, how […]

Top ten tips to identify the companies you want to work for

by Lauren, CEO of propel careers this post is reposted from the propel careers blog. Numerous options exist to identify potential companies to work for, especially those companies that are innovative, but not (yet) well-known. Below is a top ten list of ways to uncover exciting and innovative companies relevant to your area(s) of interest. The […]

Leveraging skillsets when making a transition

by Lauren, CEO of propel careers this post is reposted from the propel careers blog. I am often asked by clients at all levels “how to transition” from one type of role to another. The advice I give is the same regardless of who I am speaking with – a CEO, a head of research, or […]

Building skills for a career while in academia

by Lauren, CEO of propel careers this post is reposted from the propel careers blog. The topic of career planning is something that I discuss with almost everyone I speak with, regardless of whether they are a graduate student or industry professional. I emphasize that regardless of where someone is in their career, steps can […]