Tagged: coaching

Mentoring at BU Medical: What, when, where, why, how?

So what is Mentoring? Mentoring is the verb describing the action of a more senior person in a given area of expertise entering into a relationship with a more junior colleague for the purpose of advising and fostering advancement of the less experienced individual. As individuals during our training, we can and should seek out […]


Mentoring has recently become a commonly used buzzword within academic science. Everybody should have it and everybody should have experience providing it. Even NIH now strongly encourages well-structured mentoring plans for postdocs and PhD students in grant applications, and these plans are as important as the science  in fellowship applications. There are many organizations that […]

What Lauren can do for you…

by Lauren and Juliane Last week Lauren shared with us her experiences starting her own business. Lauren also works for BU as a career coach for postdocs and PhD students. I asked her questions about what kind of coaching a postdoc can expect from her. Question: What is your position/role at BU? LC answer: I […]