Hello prospective Boston University students.
My name is Andy Bunker, and I am a current broadcast journalism graduate student at BU. This blog is designed to give you an inside look at the school through the eyes and words of someone who is going through the program. We are constantly working on interesting projects, covering big news stories, and holding fun events, and this blog will help keep your finger to the pulse of the BU College of Communication. Right now the biggest item on your radar is most likely applying to the school. I realize that you may be getting a little stressed while in the midst of the application process, so I wanted to offer a bit of advice since I was in your shoes at this time last year.
Here is a short list of helpful hints to make applying easier.
1. Getting started. If you haven’t already done so, start the online application by clicking here. If you haven’t started, don’t fret it’s not too late, but you do want to get going soon as many of the requirements take time to complete.
2. Check things off. Once you get going with the online application, you will not only have the application information packet to help guide the process, but you will also start to receive progress updates from our graduate services office. Every time you complete another step in the application process, you will get an email confirming your progress.
3. Ask questions. If you have questions, about anything, email the school. There is a very helpful team of students and faculty, including myself, that is happy to help answer any questions you may have. Ask anything, we’ve heard it all before so don’t hesitate even if you think it’s a weird question. The email address is comgrad@bu.edu.
4. Keep up the pace. Take care of all the steps that you can control as quickly as you can. That means contacting your recommenders, scheduling your tests, finding your best writing samples, editing your essays and sending your transcripts. You can’t control how quickly your recommenders write and send the recommendations, all you can do is contact them as early as possible so they don’t feel pressured by a deadline.
5. Manage your time. Set aside time to work on the application. If you are anything like me, the thought of the unfinished application requirements will hang over your head like a rain cloud if you don’t know when you will work on them next. Do yourself a favor and reduce the stress by scheduling a few hours a week to just fine comb your application.
6. Remember the date. Circle December 15th as a goal. If you really want to help reduce your stress, try to meet the priority admission notification deadline. This deadline simply requires that you have your online application finished, and that you pay the $70 application fee. But again, if you are anything like me, completing this step helps in a number of ways. First, you will get your admissions decision before applicants who don’t meet the early deadline. Second, it gives you a month and half to complete the remaining admission requirements. And most important, getting things done early feels good!! Instant stress reduction!!
I hope these hints help in the process. The most important of these is #3. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to email the graduate services office. Comgrad@bu.edu is a great way to get quick answers that will help you in applying. BU is a great place, you have made a smart decision in applying here. In the next blog I will talk more about the things you will get to do once you get here. That’s when the fun really starts!