Posts by: hjdion

On Education and a New Semester

As we welcome students from break and from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, we offer some timely thoughts from the Boston University alum. In his paper “The Purpose of Education,” King argues for education that extends beyond logic into an more enlightened education of the soul. While education must help people achieve their goals, he […]

Machiavelli, Man of the People

We’ve known our share of allegedly misunderstood literary figures (lookin’ at you, Nietzsche). But is Machiavelli one of them? In The Prince, Machiavelli argues that leaders shouldn’t be objectively virtuous or truthful, but rather effective at preserving their reign. Hence a just end can excuse a leader’s horrendous acts, or “the ends justify the means.” […]

Opinion: Go Get That B

I dare you to get a B in this class. That’s what Adam Grant is telling straight-A students. Pushing back against the “cult of perfectionism” cultivated around education, Grant claims that students who aim for perfect transcripts often avoid taking risks, miss opportunities for failure and growth, and neglect emotional and social growth.Advisors and parents […]

A New Scene in Bosch’s Earthly Delight

Scientists are alarmed about an trend among endangered Hawaiian Monk Seals where the juvenile seals have taken to getting entire eels stuck in their noses. As strange as this may be,researchers have nothing to worry about. After all, Hieronymus Bosch understood the oddities of the natural world completely. Why else would he fill his 1510 […]

Hard-Core Pumpkin Carving takes a Curatorial Turn

What masterpiece would be complete without an authentic curatorial text? Luckily, Core alumni Jonathan Han and Kassandra Round refused to lettheir viewers confront their pumpkin art alone, and provided us with insights into their imaginations. “Anguish”- A Self Portrait by Jonathan Han, 2019 “Like all pains, this was unintended, but still pretty funky” Perhaps best […]