Category: Academics

Auden on Memorizing Poetry

Relating to the Core’s study of W.H. Auden is an article about his insistence on memorizing poetry. Here is an extract: Auden would insist that the boys in his class learn poem after poem by heart. Even parrot-fashion. Auden said it didn’t matter whether they understood them. If they learnt the poems now, they would […]

The 2013 Robert Fitzgerald Translation Prize

The Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature and the Creative Writing Program announce The 2013 ROBERT FITZGERALD TRANSLATION PRIZE First Prize: $250 Second Prize: $100 Please submit: 3 copies of the selection in the original language 3 copies of the translation in typed manuscript, double-spaced, including the title, author, and language of the original (do not […]

The 2013 Shmuel Traum Prize In Literary Translation

The Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature and the Creative Writing Program announce The 2013 SHMUEL TRAUM PRIZE IN LITERARY TRANSLATION for works in poetry, fiction or drama translated into English from French, German, or Hebrew Grand Prize: $200 Please submit: 2 copies of typed manuscript, indicating title and author and specifying language of the original; do […]

One Of Us: Discussing Descartes & Animal Consciousness

Relating to CC201’s study of The Renaissance is the essay ‘One Of Us’ by John Jeremiah Sullivan on animal consciousness, in which he discusses Descartes’ views on the topic. Here is an extract: Descartes’ term for them [animals] was automata—windup toys, like the Renaissance protorobots he’d seen as a boy in the gardens at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, “hydraulic statues” that […]

CC105 Information

To all CC105 students, Nate and Gayle, your Core Mentors, have been sending out weekly emails summarizing the important topics from the lectures that week, reminding you of assignments and giving you links to some science articles that you may find interesting. The Core Blog is regularly updated with what is being sent in these […]

Famous Authors To Famous Authors

As an example of fan letters written by famous authors to famous authors, here is a sample of W.H. Auden’s words to James Agee’s editors in 1944: In my opinion, his column is the most remarkable regular event in American journalism to-day. What he says is of such profound interest, expressed with such extraordinary wit […]

Igor Stravinsky’s ‘The Rite of Spring’

Relating to CC202’s current study of Modernism, the Core presents Igor Stravinsky’s “The Rite of Spring”. Upon its release, it was controversial and supposedly caused a ‘riot’ in the Parisian premiere audience… This debated topic is discussed in an article by Tom Service of The Guardian titled The Rite of Spring- the Work of a Madman.Here […]

Core Texts on Leadership

Here are samples from the Odyssey, the Aeneid, and Don Quixote on the topic of leadership: My child, what strange remarks you let escape you. Could I forget that kingly man, Odysseus? There is no mortal half so wise; no mortal gave so much to the lords of open sky. ~ The Odyssey, Book I, […]

“Penelope Waiting” by Sassan Tabatabai

Core Professor Tabatabai, in his poem Penelope Waiting, writes: They say: ‘After twenty years, why does she still wait for him? He must have succumbed to Poseidon’s wrath. his bleached bones, on an unknown beach, have become the pelican’s fare.’ To read this poem in its entirety, please visit the Core Office in search of […]