Category: Great Ideas

The Economist on Enjambment

The Core presents an article from The Economist, which discusses enjambment’s popularity and origins. Here is an extract: In “The Force of Poetry”, Christopher Ricks, formerly the Oxford Professor of Poetry who is now at Boston University, writes elegantly of the way enjambment can make language seem elastic: Lineation in verse creates units which may […]

Rachel Richardson: Escape Artists

In her article about studying poetry with prisoners, Rachel Richardson shares the intricacies of the endeavor. Here is an extract: My partner and I went into the prison to write and hear poems, to share poetry with a group of men who might want to have this art in their lives. That was our theory. Any […]

The Nietzsche Family Circus

Relating to CC202’s upcoming study of Nietzsche at the end of this semester is this amusing but informative site: Enjoy!

Nabokov & His Literature Class

In his article titled ‘An A from Nabokov’, Edward Jay Epstein recounts his experience from Lit 311 at Cornell University, where he studied many of the works that the Core explores in CC202. Here is an extract: The professor was Vladimir Nabokov, an émigré from tsarist Russia. About six feet tall and balding, he stood, with […]

Auden on Memorizing Poetry

Relating to the Core’s study of W.H. Auden is an article about his insistence on memorizing poetry. Here is an extract: Auden would insist that the boys in his class learn poem after poem by heart. Even parrot-fashion. Auden said it didn’t matter whether they understood them. If they learnt the poems now, they would […]

The 2013 Robert Fitzgerald Translation Prize

The Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature and the Creative Writing Program announce The 2013 ROBERT FITZGERALD TRANSLATION PRIZE First Prize: $250 Second Prize: $100 Please submit: 3 copies of the selection in the original language 3 copies of the translation in typed manuscript, double-spaced, including the title, author, and language of the original (do not […]

The 2013 Shmuel Traum Prize In Literary Translation

The Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature and the Creative Writing Program announce The 2013 SHMUEL TRAUM PRIZE IN LITERARY TRANSLATION for works in poetry, fiction or drama translated into English from French, German, or Hebrew Grand Prize: $200 Please submit: 2 copies of typed manuscript, indicating title and author and specifying language of the original; do […]

Beastly Boys & Ghastly Girls – Illustrated Poetry

The Core presents a collaboration between editor William Cole and children’s book illustrator Tomi Ungerer, in which various poems by A.A. Milne, Ted Hughes & Shelley Silverstein are illustrated in lovely and amusing ways. For the full set of poems accompanied by their illustrations, visit

‘Seeds of Hope’ by Jane Goodall

In this article for the Boston Globe, Adam Langer discusses Jane Goodall’s new work. He describes it as: Part reminiscence, part natural history, and part plea on behalf of the natural world, “Seeds of Hope” begins with Goodall’s childhood in Bournemouth, England, where she recalls spending hours in her favorite tree doing her homework, reading […]

Igor Stravinsky’s ‘The Rite of Spring’

Relating to CC202’s current study of Modernism, the Core presents Igor Stravinsky’s “The Rite of Spring”. Upon its release, it was controversial and supposedly caused a ‘riot’ in the Parisian premiere audience… This debated topic is discussed in an article by Tom Service of The Guardian titled The Rite of Spring- the Work of a Madman.Here […]