Category: Uncategorized

HuffPo Study Indicates that Reading is “In”

We here at the Core Curriculum are big fans of reading– big fans. The books we read are the foundations of our knowledge; they shape us as we grow. etc., etc. Books are important to us, is what we’re saying. So, when we saw that ol’ HuffPo had published an article on how to make […]

Winter Book Recommendations

Happy holidays, Corelings! Finals have at last come to an end, and now we have surfaced the ocean of studies and stress. Planes, trains, and cars are rapidly arriving to whisk us back home (for those of us returning home for winter break), and–oh no. You’ve forgotten to purchase gifts for your beau, your belle, […]

Reformation Commemoration Party

Happy Halloween, scholars! While you’re chowing down on buckets of candy and impressing one another with your costumes, take a moment to reflect on a more sober commemoration: the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, and, more specifically, the nailing of Martin Luther’s 95 theses to the church door of Wittenberg. Here is a list […]

Alumni Profiles: Christian Rose

Thanks for taking the time to let us know how you’re doing! To begin, can we tell our readers how many years you spent at BU? I transferred from a community college in California, and so I spent only two years at BU before graduating. Where do you currently live? I live in Livermore, CA, […]

Alumni Profiles: Yanni Metaxas

Thanks for taking the time to let us know how you’re doing! To begin, can we tell our readers how many years you spent at BU? You are very welcome! Thank you for still remembering me and thinking of me after I have disappeared and entered the inevitable void known as life. I am happy […]

Do you follow the Core Instagram?

Because you should. Our handle is easy to remember–@bucore! Follow us for the latest in Core activities, including outings, weekly tea ceremonies, and miscellaneous shenanigans and goings-on at the CAS 119, on BU campus, and abroad. Here are a few selectionsfrom this semester to entice you: Cotton candy skies at sunset in Kenmore last night, […]

Alumni Profiles: Priest Gooding

Thanks for taking the time to let us know how you’re doing! To begin, can we tell our readers how many years you spent at BU? I don’t know, can you? (But I spent 3 years at BU). Where do you currently live? In a constant state of anxiety! I reside in Riverside, California, though. […]

Alumni Profiles: Chloe Hite

Thanks for taking the time to let us know how you’re doing! To begin, can we tell our readers how many years you spent at BU? I spent four years at BU as an undergrad. Where do you currently live? I currently live in Washington, District of Columbia. Where do you work and what position […]

From Inside Higher Ed: In Praise of ‘B’ Journals

Andrew J. Hoffman at Inside Higher Ed is gruff that academia is seeming to be concerned primarily about the prestige of its institutions rather than the genuine pursuit of knowledge. One form this has been taking is in the pressure faced by professors to publish only in those journals for which the warden will reward […]

From Columbia Daily Tribune: Rushdie stresses importance of literature

If there is anybody who can speak of the need to defend the right to free speech, and the need to use that right to protect what is valued in literature, then it is certainly Salman Rushdie, a man for whom the matter is one of life and death, literally. This literary icon was therefore […]