Zadie Smith and the value of the humanities

Zadie Smith is a writer and essayist who brings with her an modern, multicultural outlook on art and expression. As Dwight Gardner writes in The New York Times:

Smith, who is English-Jamaican, has prized open in her fiction a modern, multicultural, post-post-colonial England. In addition to being devastatingly good, her novels describe the ways society has changed in advance of phenomena like to give just one example the arrival of a figure like Meghan Markle as the Duchess of Sussex”

She also supplies newemphasis on the humanities and their importance today. Consider how she uses Milton to describe Jay-Z: “Asking why rappers always talk about their stuff is like asking why Milton is forever listing the attributes of heavenly armies. Because boasting is a formal condition of the epic form.”

Smith is a fascinating writer and we are excited to hear more from her later this semester when she visits the Tsai Performance Center for a talk on writing with Christopher Lydon. (Core is a co-sponsor!) This is is first in a lecture series proposed as an annual event highlighting the importance of the humanities at the heart of the arts and sciences. Below are the details and Facebook event.

HuffPo Study Indicates that Reading is “In”

We here at the Core Curriculum are big fans of reading-- big fans. The books we read are the foundations of our knowledge; they shape us as we grow. etc., etc. Books are important to us, is what we're saying. So, when we saw that ol' HuffPo had published an article on how to make reading more of a habit, we are eager to share it with you. Without further ado:

How To Make Reading More Of A Habit

Winter Book Recommendations

Lisbeth reading by Carl Larsson, 1904. (via WikiArt)

Lisbeth reading by Carl Larsson, 1904. (via WikiArt)

Happy holidays, Corelings! Finals have at last come to an end, and now we have surfaced the ocean of studies and stress. Planes, trains, and cars are rapidly arriving to whisk us back home (for those of us returning home for winter break), and--oh no. You've forgotten to purchase gifts for your beau, your belle, your mom and dad, your beloved feline friend. Have no fear! We at Core have compiled a list of twelve books of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction that would make wonderful gifts for the scholars in your life. Provided are the titles, authors, blurbs, and, conveniently, links where you may acquire these works.

  1. The Complete Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft
    "The Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraftcollects the author's novel, four novellas, and fifty-three short stories. Written between the years 1917 and 1935, this collection features Lovecraft's trademark fantastical creatures and supernatural thrills, as well as many horrific and cautionary science-fiction themes, that have influenced some of today's writers and filmmakers, including Stephen King, Alan Moore, F. Paul Wilson, Guillermo del Toro, and Neil Gaiman. Included in this volume are The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, "The Call of Cthulhu," "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath," "At the Mountains of Madness," "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," "The Color Out of Space," "The Dunwich Horror," and many more hair-raising tales." (Link)
  2. Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Tales and Poems
    "InEdgar Allan Poe: Complete Tales and Poemsfans may indulge in all of Poe's most imaginative short-stories, includingThe Fall of the House of Usher, The Murders in Rue Morgue, The Tell-Tale Heart, LigeiaandMs. In a Bottle. His complete early and miscellaneous poetic masterpieces are here also, includingThe Raven, Ulalume, Annabel Lee, Tamerlane, as well as select reviews and narratives." (Link)
  3. The Dark Eidolon and Other FantasiesbyClark Ashton Smith
    "Clark Ashton Smithautodidact, prolific poet, amateur philosopher, bizarre sculptor, and unmatched storytellersimply wrote like no one else, before or since. This new collection of his very best tales and poems is selected and introduced by supernatural literature scholar S. T. Joshi and allows readers to encounter Smiths visionary brand of fantastical, phantasmagorical worlds, each one filled with invention, terror, and a superlative sense of metaphysical wonder." (Link)
  4. If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho translated by Anne Carson
    "Of the nine books of lyrics the ancient Greek poet Sappho is said to have composed, only one poem has survived complete. The rest are fragments. In this miraculous new translation, acclaimed poet and classicist Anne Carson presents all of Sapphos fragments, in Greek and in English, as if on the ragged scraps of papyrus that preserve them, inviting a thrill of discovery and conjecture that can be described only as electricor, to use Sapphos words, as thin fire . . . racing under skin.Carson is in many ways [Sappho's] ideal translator....Her command of language is hones to a perfect edge and her approach to the text, respectful yet imaginative, results in verse that lets Sappho shine forth." (Link)
  5. The Poems of Catullus
    "Of all Greek and Latin poets Catullus is perhaps the most accessible to the modern reader. Dealing candidly with the basic human emotions of love and hate, his virile, personal tone exerts a powerful appeal on all kinds of readers. The 116 poems collected in this new translation include the famous Lesbia poems and display the full range of Catullus's mastery of lyric meter, mythological themes, and epigrammatic invective and wit." (Link)
  6. Byron: Poems
    "To the nineteenth-century reader, George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824), was the archetype of the Romantic literary hero, a figure admired and emulated as much for the revolutionary panache with which he lived his life as the brio and allure of his verse. Our century has seen him more clearly as a poet whose intellectual toughness, satiric gifts, and utter inability to be boring have made him one of the great comic spirits in our literature." (Link)
  7. Selected Lettersby John Keats
    "These extraordinary letters give the fullest and most poignant record we have of John Keatss aspirations as a poet, his life as a literary man about town, his close relationship with his siblings, and, later, his passionate, jealous, and frustrated love for Fanny Brawne. With an insightful introduction and notes by renowned Keats scholar John Barnard, this is an indispensable companion to the works of one of the greatest poets of all time." (Link)
  8. The Aeneid by Virgil, translated by David Ferry
    "'I sing of arms and the man . . . ' So begins theAeneid, greatest of Western epic poems. Virgils story of the journey of Aeneas has been a part of our cultural heritage for so many centuries that its all too easy to lose sight of the poem itselfof its brilliantly cinematic depiction of the sack of Troy; the monstrous hunger of the harpies; the intensity of Didos love for the hero, and the blackness of her despair; and the violence that Aeneas and his men must endure before they can settle in Italy and build the civilization whose roots we still claim as our own. This new translation brings Virgils masterpiece newly to life for English-language readers. Its the first in centuries crafted by a translator who is first and foremost a poet, and it is a glorious thing. David Ferry has long been known as perhaps our greatest contemporary translator of Latin poetry, his translations of VirgilsEcloguesandGeorgicshaving established themselves as much-admired standards." (Link)
  9. The Odyssey by Homer, translated by Emily Wilson
    "The first great adventure story in the Western canon,The Odysseyis a poem about violence and the aftermath of war; about wealth, poverty, and power; about marriage and family; about travelers, hospitality, and the yearning for home. In this fresh, authoritative version―the first English translation ofThe Odysseyby a woman―this stirring tale of shipwrecks, monsters, and magic comes alive in an entirely new way. Written in iambic pentameter verse and a vivid, contemporary idiom, this engrossing translation matches the number of lines in the Greek original, thus striding at Homers sprightly pace and singing with a voice that echoes Homers music. WilsonsOdysseycaptures the beauty and enchantment of this ancient poem as well as the suspense and drama of its narrative. Its characters are unforgettable, from the cunning goddess Athena, whose interventions guide and protect the hero, to the awkward teenage son, Telemachus, who struggles to achieve adulthood and find his father; from the cautious, clever, and miserable Penelope, who somehow keeps clamoring suitors at bay during her husbands long absence, to the complicated hero himself, a man of many disguises, many tricks, and many moods, who emerges in this translation as a more fully rounded human being than ever before." (Link)
  10. Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson
    "The award-winning poet reinvents a genre in a stunning work that is both a novel and a poem, both an unconventional re-creation of an ancient Greek myth and a wholly original coming-of-age story set in the present. Geryon, a young boy who is also a winged red monster, reveals the volcanic terrain of his fragile, tormented soul in an autobiography he begins at the age of five. As he grows older, Geryon escapes his abusive brother and affectionate but ineffectual mother, finding solace behind the lens of his camera and in the arms of a young man named Herakles, a cavalier drifter who leaves him at the peak of infatuation. When Herakles reappears years later, Geryon confronts again the pain of his desire and embarks on a journey that will unleash his creative imagination to its fullest extent. By turns whimsical and haunting, erudite and accessible, richly layered and deceptively simple, Autobiography of Red is a profoundly moving portrait of an artist coming to terms with the fantastic accident of who he is." (Link)
  11. The Women of Paris and Their French Revolution (Studies on the History of Society and Culture) byDominique Godineau and Katherine Streip
    "During the French Revolution, hundreds of domestic and working-class women of Paris were interrogated, examined, accused, denounced, arrested, and imprisoned for their rebellious and often hostile behavior. Here, for the first time in English translation, Dominique Godineau offers an illuminating account of these female revolutionaries. As nurturing and tender as they are belligerent and contentious, these are not singular female heroines but the collective common women who struggled for bare subsistence by working in factories, in shops, on the streets, and on the home front while still finding time to participate in national assemblies, activist gatherings, and public demonstrations in their fight for the recognition of women as citizens within a burgeoning democracy." (Link)
  12. Tequila Mockingbird: Cocktails with a Literary Twist byTim Ferdele
    (For our readers of drinking age only!) "From barflies to book clubs,Tequila Mockingbirdistheworld's bestselling cocktail book for the literary obsessed. Featuring 65 delicious drink recipes paired with wry commentary on history's most beloved novels,Tequila Mockingbirdalso includes bar bites, drinking games, and whimsical illustrations throughout." (Link)

Free Books, Yours for the Claimin’


The end of the year is looming, and we want to make sure our orphan books go to good homes before the snows begin to fall here in Boston.

Core has an inventory of hundreds and hundreds of used books, donations from members of the Core community. We invite you -- students, alumni, and friends of the Core -- to peruse the list below. If any of the books spark your interest, they are yours for the asking!

All you have to do is email the Core office, letting us know what book you want, and to what mailing address we should send it. (Or if you're in the Boston area or plan to be soon, you can let us know that, and we'll set the book aside for you to pick up in person.

Read More »

The First Woman to Translate the Odyssey into English

One of the author's copies of the Odyssey, this one in Greek. (Credit: Geordie Wood for The New York Times)

One of the translator's copies of the Odyssey, this one in Greek. (Credit: Geordie Wood for The New York Times)

"Find the beginning."

"Tell me about a complicated man," reads the first line of classicist Emily Wilson's new translation of the Odyssey. Published this month, November 2017, the book marks the first time a woman has translated Homer's epic poem into English. Called "lively, fast-paced" and "contemporary and exciting" by reviewers (indeed, "radically contemporary" according to The New York Times), it is a new--and necessary--perspective on an ancient foundational text. Here is the first verse of Book I, as published in the Paris Reviewthis past summer:

Tell me about a complicated man.
Muse, tell me how he wandered and was lost
when he had wrecked the holy town of Troy,
and where he went, and who he met, the pain
he suffered in the storms at sea, and how
he worked to save his life and bring his men
back home. He failed to keep them safe; poor fools,
they ate the Sun Gods cattle, and the god
kept them from home. Now goddess, child of Zeus,
tell the old story for our modern times.
Find the beginning.

(The rest of the excerpt may be read here.)

That word "complicated" is hard-won. It is Wilson's translation of the famous polytropos--literally "many turnings"--that is used to introduce Odysseus to the reader. It is a word that, even so early in the text, has stumped Wilson's predecessors, some 60 in number. So how did the translator extract "complicated" from polytropos? And does it work? Wyatt Mason ofThe New York Times seems to think so. In fact, he thinks highly of the translator's choice:

Complicated: the brilliance of Wilsons choice is, in part, its seeming straightforwardness. But no less than that of polytropos, the etymology of complicated is revealing. From the Latin verb complicare, it means "to fold together." No, we dont think of that root when we call someone complicated, but its what we mean: that theyre compound, several things folded into one, difficult to unravel, pull apart, understand.

"It feels," I told Wilson, "with your choice of 'complicated,' that you planted a flag."

"It is a flag, she said.

As a flag, the word is representative of Wilson's translation. Simple, succinct, and accurate, it provides a different lens through which to view a character who has long been engrained into our literary psyche,preparing us for the journey of the main character and setting the tone of the rest of the narrative."You want to have a sense of anxiety about this character, and that there are going to be layers we see unfolded," says Wilson. "So I wanted the reader to be told: be on the lookout for a text that's not going to be interpretatively straightforward."

Read the rest of the article on The New York Timeswebsite.

Reformation Commemoration Party

Happy Halloween, scholars! While you're chowing down on buckets of candy and impressing one another with your costumes, take a moment to reflect on a more sober commemoration: the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, and, more specifically, the nailing of Martin Luther's 95 theses to the church door of Wittenberg. Here is a list of links to European library blogs (in English and German) with posts observing the occasion:

Portrait of Martin Luther as an Augustinian Monk, by the workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1546. (via Wikimedia Commons)

Portrait of Martin Luther as an Augustinian Monk, by the workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1546. (via Wikimedia Commons)

List created by Simon Beattie, and shared here from the EXLIBRIS mailing list.

Alumni Profiles: Christian Rose

Thanks for taking the time to let us know how you're doing! To begin, can we tell our readers how many years you spent at BU?
I transferred from a community college in California, and so I spent only two years at BU before graduating.

Where do you currently live?
I live in Livermore, CA, a suburb about an hour drive to the east of San Francisco. They're very proud of their wine here.

Where do you work and what position do you hold?
My work is funded by AmeriCorps, but I'm employed by Blueprint Schools Network, a national non-profit that addresses education inequality. To this end, I teach 7thgrade math at Elmhurst Community Prep, a middle school in east Oakland. During school, I have 5 periods of 4 students each-- generally, those students that I can provide the most support to toward meeting their grade level math standards.

What type of work have you done up until now?
Really, anything that is needed help my students improve each day, I'm trying my best to do. This means lesson planning, researching and thinking of new academic and behavioral strategies and structures, grading (and doing so on time is so tough, give your professors a break), so forth.

In the couple of months I've spent here, I've noticed that many of my kids struggle with reading, so I'm in the process of starting an after-school reading tutoring program at my school that would provide free services to students.

I also tutor reading privately out of my home and work at the Oakland Coliseum. Oh, and studying for the LSAT whenever I can-- keep those GPAs up, future JDs!

Now that you're a few years past graduation, looking back what would you say have been the benefits of your Core education?
There's really no question that Core was the most important part of my education at BU, both by introducing me to influential professors/staff who've given direction for my ambitions and by facilitating a broad, liberal education.

There were two tips from my Core education that meant a good deal: first, to use and hone the skills that you have to serve the community you want to help (this is why I'm teaching and tutoring during my gap year), and second, that the best way to have a lasting impact is to rock your academics, go to the best grad schools, get the best jobs, and put yourself in a position to create change.

What book did you encounter in the Core that impacted you the most?
Maybe I'm just under the influence of Red Dragon, but William James is my favorite poet now after Core. Maybe that also just says my mind operates best at a nursery rhyme level. Who knows?

What do you miss more about the Core office?
I haven't been a part of a community that could be more passionate and mobilize faster when confronted with a challenge, whether its our members being threatened in some way, or taking up a cause.

Anything else you want to share?
Hey Core students, get involved with Core groups and groups that are run by Core members, because they're the best ones.

Want to get directly involved in criminal justice reform? Join the Petey Greene Program and tutor incarcerated people.

Want to be a part of hands down the fastest-growing and best all-around group on campus that I have no biased opinion of whatsoever? Join Hoochie, the feminist student publication that was founded at Core (multiple times)! Its got academics, activism, a broad range of interest. Its really the Renaissance WOMAN of student groups (#feminism).

Christian, here pictured stealing every single heart.

Christian, here pictured stealing every single heart.

Want to follow Christian on Twitter? Who wouldn't? He can be found here: @feedcrose
Wanna do him a favor, and check out the Petey Greene Program? You can do so here, and if you'd like to follow Hoochie on Twitter, they can be found here: @hoochiewoman.

Alumni Profiles: Yanni Metaxas

Thanks for taking the time to let us know how you're doing! To begin, can we tell our readers how many years you spent at BU?
You are very welcome! Thank you for still remembering me and thinking of me after I have disappeared and entered the inevitable void known as life. I am happy and pleased to be spending my afternoon with you. I spent a grand spanking total of four full years at BU, running amok as Zak and Chloe Elizabeth Hite tried to rein me in.

Where do you currently live?
I currently dwell in the home in which I grew up, in Katonah, NY (which is northern Westchester). It is the first time in over five years since all four of my immediate family members (including myself) have been living under the same roof. It has been a treat!

Where do you work and what position do you hold?
I will shortly begin tutoring students in mathematics at my old high school while I search for a more-permanent job.

What type of work have you done up until now?
I worked as a cultural intern and project researcher at Harvard University's Center for Hellenic Studies in Nafplio, Greece after my junior year at BU. After my sophomore year, I was a sales office assistant at Marcus & Millichap, Inc. Real Estate Investment Services in Downtown Chicago, where I sourced potential real estate acquisitions for the firm. At BU, I worked as a learning assistant, Peer Support coordinator, and office assistant for the very office that is conducting this interview! Outside of Core, I was a sports official at the Fitness & Recreation Center for the intramural sports league. I also used to tutor mathematics and instruct violin to students.

Now that you're a few years past graduation, looking back what would you say have been the benefits of your Core education?
The single biggest benefit of the Core Curriculum was learning to understand our world and our humanity, and realizing the need to study classics, history, and literature in order to accomplish these goals. The curriculum and the community supplemented my foray into mathematics and commercial real estate, and enabled me to tackle analytical problems with a more well-rounded mind and approach.My understanding of Core is that it aims to encompass all facets of life, the questions of who are we? where did we come from? and, where are we going? More importantly, it teaches you HOW to think, and why it IS valuable to think, discuss, and reason. The final piece is in equipping you with an elevated awareness of what knowledge is why it has value, which you can use moving forward in any field of study, work, leisure, or walk of life. Whatever work I end up finding for myself in the near future, I will always desire to supplement my work with the enrichment and stimulation of reading and discussion. It is imperative that I feel like Im still reaching down to get to the truth of things, to the bottom of WHY we perform the tasks we do.

What book did you encounter in the Core that impacted you the most?
The Old and New Testaments of The Bible have both impacted me the most. As a devout Christian, I feel that that may be too tendentious of an answer. The Bible was very impactful for me before I ever enrolled at BU. However, approaching The Bible from an academic point of view as opposed to a theological one was a very interesting and challenging exercise for me. Discussing it with my peers was even more arduous. It gave me a new appreciation for the works, in a literate sense, whilealsoenabling me to grow closer to my faith and theological understanding of the sacred scriptures.

What do you miss more about the Core office?
I miss the people and the common understanding that it is acceptable, nay encouraged to drop everything you are doing to engage in a very serious discussion about the fundamental principles of life, the existence or lack thereof of shared morality, the implication of history on current events, what books should and should not be read in the Core, and much, much more. As we love to say, learning takes place outside of the classroom too, but nowhere is it as prevalent as in the Core office.

Anything else you want to share?
I wanted a liberal arts education at BU. I worked hard for, and obtained just that. But the opportunities, experiences, and knowledge I gained would not have been possible outside of the Core Curriculum at Boston University. For that, I am eternally grateful. Thank you, Core! I promise I will be back to visit, because as I am learning more and more every day, there is no place like home!

Yanni, seen here enjoying

Yanni, seen here enjoying "the outside."

Feel free to follow Yanni (but only on Twitter):@ioannismetaxas1

Do you follow the Core Instagram?

Because you should. Our handle is easy to remember--@bucore! Follow us for the latest in Core activities, including outings, weekly tea ceremonies, and miscellaneous shenanigans and goings-on at the CAS 119, on BU campus, and abroad.

Here are a few selectionsfrom this semester to entice you:

Have any photos or other images that you would like to see on the Core Instagram? Feel free to run it by us at We may feature your image on our account--or use it as the header for our weekly Epic Times newsletter!

Alumni Profiles: Priest Gooding

Thanks for taking the time to let us know how you're doing! To begin, can we tell our readers how many years you spent at BU?
I don't know, can you? (But I spent 3 years at BU).

Where do you currently live?
In a constant state of anxiety! I reside in Riverside, California, though.

Where do you work and what position do you hold?
I'm not actually employed or searching for a job right now; I'm writing and working on publishing various pieces, along with composing, while I focus on Grad School.

What type of work have you done up until now?
Per official work, I've labored with various political and activist organizations, and am gratified to say that I was one of the founding members of an activist organization at Boston University; I've also worked as a research assistant, while my longest tenure was working in the Core Curriculum office.

Aside from this, I've worked primarily on writing and publishing.

Now that you're a few years past graduation, looking back what would you say have been the benefits of your Core education?
I suppose the common answer is: Core taught me to think critically (looking at you, Chloe); but of course, everyone learns to think. The most important thing my Core education taught me was that there are fantastic people all around us and all around the world.

We seem always to look up to figures of the past -- literary giants like Shakespeare or Dickinson, philosophers like Nietzsche or Rousseau, or artists like Rembrandt or Monet-- but we often forget that there exist absolute geniuses around us today, and that we need only to find them. It's exciting to imagine having dinner with Jane Austen or Virginia Woolf, but how exhilarating is it to actually have coffee with an expert who knew Beckett, or a knighted critic, or a director and specialist in drama? Core taught me that sometimes, we need to walk away from the past and stand with the brilliance of today. And Core gave me ready access to such people.

What book did you encounter in the Core that impacted you the most?
Alas, it is difficult to choose but one! Perhaps, though, it was the poetry -- specifically, Emily Dickinson's collection.

Prior to Core, I had never really enjoyed poetry, and I especially disliked Dickinson (for whatever absurd reason my younger self had). I remember, upon seeing the syllabus, I felt as though I would read one or two of Dickinson's poems and skim the rest--but when I went to the lecture on Dickinson, and especially when I began reading her, I fell in love. The way she (and poets in general I suppose) was able to manipulate language to create le mot paysage is astounding, resonating within every part of the soul.

My otherfavorite book was Genealogy of Morals.

What do you miss more about the Core office?
For this question I am compelled to answer with a cliche: the people. The students are fantastic, always engaging in debates (and sometimes arguments) or discussing something they just read; and the faculty are wonderful, especially the Joyce to my Beckett, David Green.

In CAS 119, you can walk in at 9 AM, any day of the week, grab a cup of coffee, ramble by the office door of a professor, and without further prelude get caught-up in an hour-long discussion. The faculty in the Core Curriculum want to talk to you, about their research, about your research, about ideas, about so much great stuff.

Is it possible that the Core office is still as awesome as it was last year, when I'd stop by with free donuts for everyone on Fridays? Hard to believe. Hard to believe.

Anything else you want to share?
In the midst of my time at Boston University, Core became my home. When all else failed, I knew I could go to the Core office and find a way to get back to feeling alright. Was it was because of the fantastic friends I made there, students and professors alike? Was it because of the wisdom offered by people like his majesty, Zak "Wears Jeans for Formal Friday" Bos? All of those, and more.

Priest, seen here about to absolutely ruin his lovely suit.

Priest, seen here about to absolutely ruin his lovely suit.

Feel free to follow Priest on Instagram at priestdragon. (His middle name is Dragon. It's kinda cool.)