Tagged: lecture

What is wrong with TED talks?

Do you like TED talks? Some address issues relevant to the Core, including literature, art, theater, music, education, and choice of curriculum. Many of the talks can be informative and inspiring. However, Benjamin Bratton, a theorist in philosophy, art and design, raises an important point in his TED talk, titled What’s Wrong With TED Talks? He tackles what […]

CC106 Information

Below is a list of important topics from lectures since CC106’s last exam (not including the April 16th lecture and those after). Important topics: Ecology Lectures I and II: Biomes and Physical Ecology: (Prof. Schnieder) Ecology as concept- Biotic vs. abiotic traits of environment- Biome vs. biogeographic region- Levels of biological organization- Physical geography vs. biogeography- […]

CC106: The Sound of Music

Today, February 5th, Biology Professor Jelle Atema (Doctorandus, University of Utrecht (Netherlands); PhD, University of Michigan), held a lecture titled “The sound of music: frog calls and the design of music halls”, for the Core class CC106. CC106 is designed to round out students’ exploration of the natural sciences by focusing on the science of life. The professors […]

LANDMARKS SERIES: Machiavelli’s The Prince After 500 Years

On February 6th, there will be a lecture on Machiavelli’s The Prince, by the great Michael Ignatieff, Edward Muir, and James Johnson. It will be located in the Photonics Building, Room 206, 8 St. Mary’s Street, and will last from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. The Core encourages students to attend this event, as these inspiring speakers will undoubtedly shed […]

Knust’s Lecture on Genesis

Professor Knust held a lecture in September of 2011, of which the Core is belatedly releasing the concluding minutes. While it related to The Book of Genesis, which is studied in CC101, the Core feels that the questions raised here are important, and relevant to many other works. In the end, I’m not sure what […]

“Shakespeare’s Songs” on May 1st

We are pleased to announce this lecture / recital on “Shakespeare’s Songs”, featuring Christopher Ricks as lecturer; Dana Whiteside, baritone; and James Johnson, piano. The program features songs set to texts by William Shakespeare. Composers include Peter Warlock, Robert Schumann, Benjamin Britten, Francis Poulenc, Roger Quilter, and Erich Korngold. The event is TOMORROW, Tuesday, May […]

Today: Goldstein on Food

“WHAT WE TALK ABOUT WHEN WE TALK ABOUT FOOD” A lecture on food & writing, by Darra Goldstein, Editor of Gastronomica & Professor of Russian, Williams College 24 April 2012, 7 pm, Barristers’ Hall, in the BU School of Law Free and Open to the Public Sponsored by the NEH Distinguished Teaching Professorship

April 13: Hochschild lecture at BU

A lecture happening here at BU next month may of particular interest to students in CC204, who in the course of their study of the problem of inequality have been reading The Second Shift. The author of that book, Arlie Russell Hochschild (University of California, Berkeley), will be on campus on Friday, April 13, 2012, […]

Tonight’s Faust Roundtable

In lieu of the Tuesday lecture lost this week to the Monday substitution schedule, a special roundtable at the BU Castle has been arranged for students of CC202. Prof. Roye Wates, Prof. Peter Schwartz and Prof. Christopher Ricks will be speaking about different aspects of the Faust tradition.  The event will begin at 7 PM, […]

Tomorrow: a lecture on the Beatles

Tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 p.m., Professor John Platoff of Trinity College will deliver a lecture titled “The Beatles and the Rolling Stones Get Political: ‘Revolution’ and ‘Street Fighting Man'”, in Room B-36, School of Theology (745 Commonwealth Avenue). This event is sponsored by the Department of Philosophy and the Karbank Fund; all members of the […]