Midterms Music Therapy

Hey there, Terriers!

So I’ve been waiting all winter for snow, and we don’t get it, and then when I’m finally over hoping and wishing, it snows. OY. Give me that springtime sunshine, Boston! With my luck, it’s going to blizzard on my birthday—and my birthday is in June.

What’s worse, through all this crappy weather we’re enduring midterm exams… Don’t you wish it was break?

Oh, Rhett, you goofball...

Oh, Rhett, you goofball...

Well, as you “study” (aka plan out what you’re doing on vacation), why don’t you hit us with your favorite study playlists? I’m currently in the middle of rearranging mine and will be commenting on the post later with my favorite synapse-sparking beats. Or… if you want, give us the tunes you’ll be enjoying on break. Whichever you prefer.

Come on, BU. We like hearing from you, so here’s a chance to interact with us. Get on iTunes, Spotify, or whatever it is you use, and send us your playlists. If you’re lucky, we’ll put together a list and host them on the site later!

Until then, keep being you, BU.


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