Category: Uncategorized

Terrier Tip-Off, or the Lack of Blacelets

It’s Trusty Assistant Kat (you may know me from Dean Elmore’s blog), making a cameo over on the FYI Student Blog. You may notice we’ve gone kinda dorment for a while – fret not, we’re just working things out with our academic year crew of student employees. The real reason I am here on the […]

Making September Sustainable

Hiya folks, Here at the Dean of Students Office, we know that students are the only ones who can really make a difference here at BU. In that spirit, BU can’t go green without students going green. Today we had Susan from the Sustainability Office share a tip with us for the month of September. […]

2009-2010: H1N1 4 NO1

Welcome back! So, um, some of us here in DOS have just become aware that CLASSES START IN LESS THAN A WEEK. Aaaaaaaah! With FYSOP and Orientation Session 8 going on, it feels like campus is already buzzing. However, we’d prefer that it not be buzzing with swine flu, cold germs, and God knows what […]

Please Keep Swine Flu, I mean H1N1, away from Boston University

Dining Services gave us a list of 10 ways to help keep everyone on campus healthy and I have added my thoughts for outside of the Dining Halls.  Just follow these simple steps to keep illnesses to a minimum. TOP 10 PREVENTIVE MEASURES: 1. Wash your hands with soap and hot water BEFORE entering the […]

Reflections on the Past, Visions for the Future

Hello everybody!  How are you?  We are well.  However…we are sad.  In the words of Mulan, it’s time for some reflections. Our summer is coming to a quick close in the Dean of Students Office, and a lot has happened.  We’ve been reminiscing about all the sessions of Orientation we’ve seen come and go and […]

Laurel’s Take

Laurel likes being green. So she had a lot to say about the subject of our most recent blog post: BU’s new print policies…here’s her take on it all: “I love that BU is trying to go green! I think that making students think twice before printing off endless amounts of paper might help reduce […]

Have You Heard?: Think Before You Print.

“100 pages?! Are you kidding me?!” “Well, yeah, but I mean they’re giving us 200 new computers in Mugar.” “And you can print from anywhere on campus, you know, with the network.” “I don’t care if I can print from South Africa. It doesn’t matter since I’ll be using up my print quota in the […]

Celebrating Division Day

Well hey there. Here at the Dean of Students Office we’ve decided that greeting card companies and the United States Government do not have exclusive rights to creating holidays. We’re trying it out today. Happy Division Day! Today, we celebrate. We take a look at where we’ve been, how we’re doing, and where we’re going. […]

On the Map! The Summer Sendoff Excitement Begins!

Hello Hello! So, you’re probably wondering why in the world the Dean’s FYI Blog staff hasn’t been keeping up with the posting and I’m  hoping this lil’ vid will give you a better idea. Things are crrraaazy around here in preparation for the Summer Sendoffs. Our staff is traveling around the country to visit incoming […]

iWatch…environmentally friendly youtube posts.

Here’s a vid I’m passing around the office today..It’s done by Kids vs. Global Warming, a non-profit initiative created by a teen for teens. I’m learning that simplicity is key with videos, and that leaving people with clear, concise visuals matters more than anything if you really want to make a difference. This vid made […]