Category: Uncategorized

The Amazing Race

Looking for a fun way to maybe make some money with your friends and see the city of Boston? Check out the Student Activities Office’s Amazing Race, taking place on Saturday, December 3, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Groups of 5 to 8 students will travel throughout the city of Boston, “participating in different tasks […]

BU Big Brother?

Hey Emma, was that you I saw wearing a blue rain coat? And Kelsey… you shouldn’t open your umbrella inside like that. It’s bad luck! What is Kedzie rambling about, you ask? BU’s LIVESTREAM of the GSU LINK! Yeah, that’s right. You might not have known, but on the Alumni Association’s website there are webcams […]

Terriers, The time has come. BU needs your help. The Dear Abbeys, our incredibly-talented all-male a capella group (who are also not too bad on the eyes, if you know what I’m saying) are nominated to win the ZipCar Students With Drive Challenge. If they win, the Dear Abbeys recieve $5,500 for their student group. […]

Men Being Manly – Coming To A (Jacob Sleeper) Auditorium Near You!

Hey there Terriers! Sorry about my absence last week – I am sure you all missed me terribly. I spent the week sick in bed, sniffling miserably. But do you want to know one thing that kept me slightly cheered throughout my illness? (Besides the multiple cups of tea that my sweet roommates kept bringing […]

Think You Know BU?

Hey Terriers, Recently, a new Boston-based startup company called Smarterer launched campus specific tests to see just how “smart” you are about your school. Think you know all about Boston University? Give it your best shot and see if you can walk the walk. Good luck, Emma

BUQ Launches Video Promotion

Still haven’t see the quidditch team fly? Check out this promotional video for the team as they prepare to hit NYC next weekend. World Cup V Intimidator from VicKelman on Vimeo. Seeded 9th in a field of nearly 100 teams, BU will look to bring home its fourth championship title of the year, this time […]

TERR12R-ific Halloween

This one goes out to all you BU seniors who haven’t gotten enough Halloween just yet. Monday night (HALLOWEEN NIGHT), get your second, third or maybe even fourth costume of the weekend ready for a night on the town, Terrier style. Over at the Landsdown Pub BU is throwing us our first BU senior event […]

Senior Portraits!

I know how much all y’all attractive members of the BU Class of 2012 probably love being photographed – ahh, the burdens of deep beauty. So, I have good news for you and your folks. The BU Yearbook is currently taking senior portraits! All sittings are free, but time is running out, so visit […]

Let’s Do This, TERR12RS.

Watch this video on YouTube -Kedzie

I Apologize In Advance, Because This Will Get Stuck In Your Head.

We here at the good ‘ol Dean of Students Office like to think of ourselves as folks who are on the cutting edge of what’s new – what’s hot – what’s happening! This next video…well, it might not be hot…but it is new, and it certainly is… happening…on some level.  Instead of a regular-type blog today, […]