A New Sport on Nickerson

Happy Thursday, Terriers!

180798_182970738410663_100000932145630_384588_5898074_nI know you’re all ready to head to BU Central this Saturday night for the Battle of the Bands, but I’ve got something else for you to fill your afternoon with: The first BU-hosted Quidditch Tournament!

As a part of the Alumni Weekend, BU Quidditch has invited Tufts and Emerson to Nickerson Field for a small round robin style tournament that is sure to be magic. It’s the Terrier’s first time hosting an event, so head out to our stadium field and support the players as they chase, beat and seek their way to victory on Saturday from 2pm to 4pm.

Not familiar with the sport? Think it’s weird? Didn’t know we had a team? Don’t worry… you’re not alone! But this weekend’s matches are between three of the best teams in the country based on World Cup performances so it will be a high-intensity event for anyone who wants their first look at the game. That’s right: there is an entire LEAGUE of quidditch in the US and around the world.

The event will is partially funded by your undergraduate student fee but attendance is FREE. It will also feature commentary from sketch comedy group, Slow Kids at Play. Make sure you check out the team’s Facebook and Twitter pages too.


I expect to see you there, Terriers. Until then, keep being you, BU, and keep an eye out for stray bludgers…


BU Rocks

Hey, Terriers,

Love rocking out to your favorite songs? We know you do. Everyone does. We all open up out iTunes, Pandora, GrooveShark or whatever we use these days (remember Napster? Limewire? sigh. memories.) and jam once in awhile. With classwork weighing down on us, everyone needs a little break from reality.

So...why not take it one step further and rock out with some of your fellow Terriers this weekend?

187874_131509176919622_1423682_nThis Saturday, BU CENTRAL will be hosting Round 1 of BU's very own Battle of the Bands. Doors open at 7:30pm and then all hell breaks loose when bands from all across Boston compete for first place and the chance to open for a BU Central live show later this semester.

The first chord will be struck at 8pm sharp and the music will be blasting until 11:50. At the end of the night, the audience will vote for the top 4 bands who will then move on and compete in the Battle of the Bands FINALE on March 4th. (Yup, expect a blog).

This event is free with a BU ID and you're invited to bring non-BU guests--they just need to be signed in at the door. BU students are allowed up to 2 guests, so choose wisely. For more information check out the event information on the Facebook Event Page.

This week is a busy week for blogs, so keep your eyes out for more! Until then, keep being you, BU.


Bingo? What a Drag.

Heya, Terriers!

Sorry about the lack of chitchat lately- I got swamped early this week with studying and assignments. But yes, I'm back (and more than ready for a relaxing holiday weekend). What will you be doing?

174838_189738454381267_7832953_nIf you're staying on campus, BU Central wants to provide you with some Saturday night entertainment: DRAG BINGO. That's right, everyone. Thought Bingo was lame? It's not. It's a drag! Oh come on, laugh.. I just had a test on 500,000 years of Ancient Egyptian history so forgive me if my wit isn't up to par.

ANYWAYS. This Saturday at 9pm, BU Central will host drag bingo featuring Princess Herbal Essence and Bootz Morales. The event is FREE with a BU ID and has a ton of prizes including:

Giftcards, Snooki's book & a bumpit, The Social Network and the GRAND PRIZE: 2 tickets to Lady Gaga's concert.

    So come on, drag yourself over. If dressing up isn't your thing, you don't have to! Drag attire is optional. For more info, check out the Facebook Event.  I, however, have big plans on catching up on sleep. It's a four day weekend for me and I'll be making the most of it.

    Until next time, keep being you BU, and keep an eye on the blog for more updates including next weekend's BATTLE OF THE BANDS.


    “50 Days til Departure”

    What's going on, Terriers?

    174800_137639299633456_298042_nJust a quick post for you guys to let you know there are only 50 days until the DANCE MARATHON at BU. That's right people, only 50 days until you get to dance until you drop, all while raising money.

    Registration begins today at BU Central from 4-7pm. Get a team together and sign up. It's for a good cause! And what's the best part? Head on over today and you can take part in taping some of your classmates to walls. Why? Er... Honestly, I don't know. It's funny though! If anyone finds out the real reason... let me know! Either way, I love gimmicks like that sooooo.

    Finish strong this week, everyone. It's almost the weekend! For now, keep being you, BU, and get your dancing shoes on.


    Take the Competition Online

    Hey there Terriers,

    Like Kedzie said, last night may have not have been what we were hoping for. But there is a lot of hope yet to beat BC at something else. Take a look at this scoreboard:


    Now that is a beautiful sight. What is it, you might ask?  BU is competing in the SCVNGR Beantown Challenge - a competition between these four schools for whose students can be the most active between 2/7 and 2/14. You can find the full details and prizes (including Celtics and Kylie Minogue tickets!) on Dean Elmore's new Facebook page.  If you're new to SCVNGR check out my post on the basics of this awesome iPhone / Android application.

    The competition runs until 2/14 and since we're doing so well our new goal is to hit 10,000 points by its end. Word on the street is there might be a huge get together for everyone involved when we get there!

    So download the app, play the challenges, and keep up to date on Dean Elmore's Facebook page and on the Facebook event!

    Let's Rock This BU!


    Beanpot Baffled

    Oh hey, Terriers...

    Well, it didn't go as we planned. Our beloved team fell to BC and won't be heading to the Beanpot Championship this year. The game was level at 2-2 when the final buzzer rang and into overtime we went. Unfortunately, the Eagles were up to the challenge and toppled the Terriers in an upsetting 3-2 loss.


    Not from last night's battle... but you get the picture.

    Personally, I was looking forward to a NU vs BU final because let's be honest, anytime BC isn't doing well, we love it... But that won't be the case this year. I have my own personal connections to NU so I will be decked out in red and black for this beanpot final. Really though, I expect most of Terrier nation will be howling for NU this year. I mean, who wants BC to win?

    The Terrier's will take on Harvard in the consolation match before the final next Monday night. Oh hey, Valentine's day. Don't break my heart, Huskies. Clip the Eagles' wings.

    Keep being you, BU, and look out for SCVNGR information as it comes.


    Live On In Literature

    Good afternoon, Terriers,

    Hope everyone is doing well. I myself have the flu (booo!) so just a friendly reminder to head over to STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES if you're feeling a little under the weather.

    redwallI just recently read that the author of one of my favorite book series, Redwall, passed away. Although not in any relation to Boston University, Brian Jacques was an incredible writer who, for me like for so many people, was a gateway to literature growing up.

    Just thought I would share the news with those of you who read this amazing scholar's works, and I invite everyone to share what their favorite childhood stories were growing up.

    On a brighter note, GO BU! Good luck in the Beanpot and I'll be blogging more with results for those of you living under rocks.

    "Oh my god the beanpot is a hockey thing?"<--- The most disturbing 'Overheard at BU' ever. Do you even go here?

    Keep being you, BU, and I'll be seeing you around.


    Caffeine For Causes

    Hello there, Terriers,

    This blog is for the coffee addicts out there (COM and SMG, I'm looking at you). Wouldn't it be nice if your hard-earned coffee cash was doing a little bit more than just getting you your caffeine fix? Well, my fellow sleepy students, there IS a way to feel better about how much money you spend on your addiction, and the place is called Blue State Coffee.

    Om nom. The relaxed atmosphere makes the coffee even better.

    Om nom. The relaxed atmosphere makes the coffee even better.

    Blue State Coffee is a cafe located in BU's west campus at 957 ComAve near CityCo. Not only is the coffee delicious (my first taste was made with soy milk, something I usually hate, and it was wicked good) but also 2% of every puchase is donated to local nonprofit organizations. THAT it what makes Blue State stand out: the fact that your money doesn't just make a difference, but you also have a say in where it goes.

    When you make your purchase you are given a "voting token" which you can then place in one of various bins labeled with what nonprofit organization it represents. Place your token in the bin and feel good for contributing to a cause. Current nonprofits up for voting include: The Playwrights Theatre, Girl's LEAP Self-Defense, BU Community Service Center and BU Alternative Spring Break. (Yeah, BU is everywhere. Awesome, right?)

    Vote away, Terriers.

    Vote away, Terriers.

    To date, Blue State has donated $225,000. Last year's 4th quarter donations went to the Animal Rescue League, Match Charter School, Women's Center of Cambridge and the Natural Areas Network. Keep in mind, there is another bin for organization recommendations, so be sure to have your voice heard if you know a nonprofit who deserves some help.

    For more information, visit the Blue State Coffee website. For now, keep being you, BU, and I hope to see you there.



    Fellow Terriers,

    Did you wake up this morning (as I did) hoping for that BU Emergency Alert email that was sent at 5am to cancel classes?  Well too bad we never received it, because this weather is GROSS.  Although that is something that we can all agree on, this weather is not hindering us from making it to class.  If I'm not mistaken, we all decided to go to school in New England, an area that has winter months, so snow is to be expected.



    Take a look outside!! The sidewalks are as clear as they can be, the T is running, and your professors are ready to smother you with their knowledge.  So get up, get out of bed, and get to class!  Have a snowball fight, make a snow angel or just try to remember that the snowpocalypse is not as bad as you think.  So when you see a BU facilities worker plowing Marsh Plaza, or shoveling near the GSU, give them a thanks, because they're the reason we can all attend class today 🙂

    Heading to class,

    Marni and Markiesha

    That’s One Bold Burrito

    Ole, Terriers!

    The past week or so I have been walking by Warren Towers and I can't help but notice this big sign outside of the restaurant Olecito which boasts about having Boston's best burrito. Followers of this blog over the summer know I'm always down for discovering Boston's Bests (Burgers! and Chocolate Shakes!) so I need to challenge this little sign's credibility.


    So, as always, I'm leaving this one to the public. Normally I like to have you all give me ideas for what's the best and I go try them, but this time, it's an open debate. What's the BEST BURRITO in Boston? Tweet and comment as much as you want. The winner will be posted as BU FYI's next blog of the Boston's Bests series.

    Until then, keep being you, BU. And nom some good Mexican food for me, will ya?
