Take a Gamble

Good morning, Terriers,

This morning I’m just reminding you all of an awesome event going on tonight at 8pm at our very own GSU: The 14th Annual CASINO NIGHT!

gambleThat’s right, ladies and gents, this evening there will be poker, black jack, roulette, free food and even a cash bar for you 21+’s out there. But you can’t just show up in your favorite BU sweats and plan to get in (though school spirit is always acceptable in my eyes)–instead, come in your finest cocktail attire.

The most enthusiastic bunch will take park in the night’s masquerade theme and bring a mask, so….do it.

Tickets for the event are $15 and are being sold in the GSU and SMG atrium, but of course you last-minuters can always pick one up at the door. All proceeds will be going to the Terrace Arts Project on Mission Hill & Charity Water.

For a complete list of events, games, raffle prizes (WHICH ARE AWESOME, no lies. At least check out the list) just click HERE. Everyone needs a good Friday night, and this one should be great.

As always, keep being you, BU!


[This event is sponsored by: SMG, CAS, CGS, SAR and SHA student
governments as well as StuVi II RHA]

Wanna Get Away?

Hey there Terriers,

So I don't know about you, but I'm not really looking forward to waking up early tomorrow for some solid -20 degree windchills. It's that point in the winter where we all just want to get away from the cold... Oh spring break, you coming anytime soon?

March might be a few months and a few midterms away, but I've got some good news: Alternative Spring Break registration is just around the corner! Thanks to the Community Service Center, we've all got a little something to look forward to.


On January 30th at 8am the online registration process will begin and I know you're all dying to get a good spot. With volunteer opportunities in places like Arizona, Florida and even Puerto Rico, I don't see how ASB could disappoint.

For full information, head on over to the official website, available HERE!

Keep being you, BU, and please don't freeze.


Countdown to the Big Day with SCVNGR

Update: Anyone who finishes The Final Countdown trek will be entered into a drawing to win two free tickets to every senior week event. That's huge! Get on SCVNGR by checking out the trek or texting "bu121" to 728647!

Hey there Terriers,

We've got an awesome day for the seniors out there (but keep on reading even if you're not so close to graduation). In just a few hours, the Class of 2011 will celebrate being 121 days from graduation - and just to sweeten the deal we've made a SCVNGR badge to commemorate it!


To win it you'll have to take pictures of the most legendary things around BU. Beat your friends to the punch by finishing it the fatest. To play, make sure you have the SCVNGR app on your iPhone or Android, go to the Treks page and select "The Final Countdown." Or if you want to conquer via text messages, just text "bu121" to SCVNGR (728647). Snatch this badge by the end of tonight forever etch your class years onto your SCVNGR profile with this snazzy logo. Who knows, we might just even have a prize for who finishes it the fastest?

And if you're not a member of the Class of 2011, maybe you're a member of the Class of 2014 (thanks for reading this post!). Don't forget about the Fancy '14 Party tomorrow night if you are!

See you in your finest tonight seniors!

Terrier Tech Love,


We Want More YOU, BU

Hey there, Terriers

I just wanted to give you all a personal "welcome back!" to this snow-covered campus. Hopefully we'll start seeing less of this soon...


Yeah, it's true, the BU Bubble has become more of a snow globe, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the start of a new semester. BU FYI will be bringing you all the latest on events to attend, places to visit and maybe even some food to try.

BUT. That doesn't mean we'll be doing this alone. Remember to hit us up on TWITTER and send us details on some of the interesting things and locations you guys find as you mull around the city. If you don't tweet, comment here! We're all experts on Boston, so lets spread the love... or at least some cool information.

Keep being you, BU, and keep safe on those slippery streets!


2011: The Time Is Now


Word on the streets is that the Class of 2011 are in their last semester. I want to refuse to believe that, but if enough people say it, it must be true right? I mean, I guess that's what happened with the Verizon iPhone at least?

One of the best things about being a senior (besides all the academic achievements and accolades) is coming together as a class to celebrate what we've accomplished.  And let me tell you, four years of challenging work, snowy winters and living on the Green Line deserve a lot of celebration. The main set of events comes at the end of the semester between finals and commencement: the famed senior week. But why should you only celebrate after you've finished - why not start way ahead? Why not start 121 days ahead?

Lucky for us, BU is having a huge bash the first Thursday we're back on January 20th - just 121 days before we graduate! AND, word on the streets (that are coated in snow right now) is that some tickets to the House of Blues senior week event will be on sale there. Getting down and getting tickets? Yes, please.

The party is in a tricked out Metcalf Hall and starts around 10 p.m. What are you waiting for? Register for it here. And check out the Facebook event page for more details:


Stay Warm Elder Terriers, I'll see you there!



Ohhhh say can you seeeee! Er... I mean, Hey Terriers!

Just a little FYI(.com/studentblog) for you that I am heading back to the states in 9 days!

What up, Uncle Sam?

What up, Uncle Sam?

What does that mean? Soon I'll be back on campus and able to blog about things that actually pertain to your life a bit more! Who's excited? This guy.

But, at the same time, I love it here in Spain, and with how big the BU Abroad program is I want to open up this blog as a chance for any of you thinking about studying abroad to ask questions. Whether you want to hit Madrid, London, or somewhere else, feel free to ask questions on the comment section. Either me or someone else who has studied abroad will be more than happy to answer questions for you!

Best of luck on finals, everyone, and you know the drill: keep being you, BU.



Welcome back from that quick break Terriers!

If you, like me, have had the pleasure of visiting home for the turkey-stuffed holiday, you may have played a little game I'd like to call the "dirty laundry shuffle." Whether you pay for it with convenience points or your own hard-earned silver change, doing your laundry is simply a pain. Finding the sufficient number of quarters, carting your obese hamper down a flight of stairs or the Warren Towers elevator and remembering whether your grey T-shirt should go in the "whites" or the "colors" pile is all too overwhelming. Suddenly all your change has disappeared, you have suds all over yourself and you can't for the life of you remember whether you should wash in hot or cold water. And what the heck does "Perm Press" mean!? I'm stressed just thinking about it.

One of My Favorite Past Times

One of My Favorite Past Times

"I know!" you think, "I'll just bring my dirty laundry home for Thanksgiving with me!" You are so clever, aren't you - you must be getting some kind of college degree or something. So you stuff  your suitcase full of tops that have been firmly pressed into your dorm floor for a few weeks. Now you've got a 10 pound friend to bring home, but it will be worth it right?

Now, I'm no economist by any measure and I would LOVE to have you correct me on my application of buzz words I've learned from Freakonomics. Seriously, all my economics knowledge is from Freakonomics (awesome book and an awesome podcast) so take it with a grain of Seasonal Adjustment (yes, I just googled that). But one thing that stuck from the book was opportunity cost. According to Wikipedia,

"Opportunity cost is the cost related to the next-best choice available to someone who has picked among several mutually exclusive choices."

You know that "pro-and-con" list that goes through your head all the time? That's you weighing opportunity cost - the cost of doing one thing versus the other when both can't happen at the same time. So when I dirtied half the laundry I worked so hard to bring home, it really made me wonder whether the "cost" of hauling all that home was worth avoiding the "cost" of taking it downstairs to the laundry room.


Just some food for thought - I really have no laundro-solutions other than a recommendation to read Freakonomics if you haven't. And if you have, read Super Freakonomics - they are both a great read.

Your fellow partner in dirty laundronomics,


My Final Advice

Hey Terriers,

Okay I lied, this isn't my final advice, but it is my finals advice. The blog has dropped into some silence lately and, while I'm overseas and out of the loop, I'm sure it's because of the oh-so terrifying (and unfortunately inevitable) arrival of final exams.


Duhn duhn DUHHHN.

So. Study time... Everyone gets sick of cramming in Mugar during these stressful weeks, and let's be honest, how much work (facebook?) do you really get done in your room. So, I'm gonna give you a few other ideas. Here is a list of my 3 favorite places to study. Or, at the very least, places to sit around with friends and pretend to study. Did I say that? ...Yeah.

1) The Ziskind Lounge

My absolute favorite. On the second floor of the GSU is a quiet and spacious lounge great for kicking off a study sesh in the early evening. Depending on the day, its closing time ranges from 10pm to 12pm (even later if you're lucky) and when you're finally kicked out ( "crap how did I only write 1 page in the last 5 hours?") you can take the party studying over to Mugar to joyfully whither away into the early hours of the morning. If you start early enough you can grab dinner in the food court and then before it closes, stock up on monster and candy at the CityCo. Wifi access and plenty of floor space for dance/sob breaks. WARNING: This is my favorite place to study, and normally I don't tell anyone about it. So you better not steal my seat...

Oh, Boston.

Oh, Boston.

2) Shelton "Penthouse"

This place is actually really cool. On the top floor of the Shelton residence hall you'll find an awesome room dedicated to late night cramming. The massive windows looking out over the Charles river are so beautiful, in fact, you may opt to ditch the chem books and drag a date along. If it's cold and snowing and you feel like a romantic (?) location to get cozy, what's a better place than Shelton Hall, am I right? Eh!? Nothing screams love like panicking pre-med students and over-caffeinated freshmen. Seriously though, wifi, great views and plenty of room-- but it fills up fast!

3) Starbucks and Panera

OK. I know these are two different things but I'm clumping them because they serve the same purpose: last minute review. If you have a group that needs some final convo about the test you're all going to fail and you want to dodge the soul-killing glares of upperclassmen trying to study in silence, head to one of these locations. No one will care about your psychology woes as they wait patiently for their white mocha latte with 4 extra espresso shots (healthy? meh. neccessary? yes.) Wifi access, warmth, freedom to rant- what else could you need? And when it's all said and done there is nothing like a pick-me-up broccoli cheddar bread bowl.


Well... best of luck BU. I'm currently writing a 10 page research paper in Spanish on the ways dialect formation affects our ability to communicate. See? Life could always be worse...

Keep being you, BU, and I'll see you soon!


A Little More Magic

Buenas, Terriers.

So if you just don't like/care/want to read more about BU Quidditch, I apologize. I swear this is the last post. For awhile. Maybe. Oops? Right...

Anyways. Just a quick little heads up for you fans. *cough* be a fan *cough* BU Quidditch will be hosting a mini tournament this Sunday at the BU Beach at 2pm. The double elimination round-robin, called the Turkey Bowl, will be match-up of BU's four teams.

What? You don't like my art? I swear, it's an official logo. Seriously.

What? You don't like my art? I swear, it's an official logo. Seriously.

Four teams? What? I thought we only had one?

No, no, no, people. We have one world cup team, but there are more than just those 20 dedicated athletes. This year we have four fully functional inter-BU teams that duke it out for campus supremacy, and the world cup competitors are mixed about. And what would the BU league be without some high-class, cheesy, harry-potter-related names that make supporters go wild? Here's the list:

  • The Screaming Mandrakes
  • The Hippogriffs
  • The Nargles
  • The Phoenixes

So whether it's the "you can't beat what you can't see" motto of the Nargles or the "are they really named after a plant?" style of the Mandrakes, make sure to get out to the fields this weekend and cheer them on. OKAY I'M DONE!

Keep being you, BU.


Magic in NYC

Hey there, Terriers

Let me break this sudden silence we've fallen into. With what? A new quidditch update! HOORAY!

This weekend was the 2010 Quidditch World Cup. Held in New York City for the very first time, the QWC hosted 46 teams from across the USA and Canada. Entering the tournament was 3rd ranked Boston University with hopes of a repeat dash to the semifinals.


If you didn't stay completely locked to your computer for live streaming video, you can check back with the BU team's TWITTER page for some game-by-game highlights. It's worth checking out, I promise. For those of you feeling too lazy to take a peak, here's a quick recap...

BU entered roundrobin play looking for a 3-0 record, dominating their first two games against Carelton and Ohio St. like seasoned pros. But the terriers found themselves stunned after a sudden loss to Villanova where the snitch failed to escape the field and was caught within moments by Nova for less-than-2-minute-long upset.

Despite the loss, BU's record was good enough to advance to the knockout round, but the shocking turn of events sent BU into day 2 with a low seed and a difficult day ahead. With lots to prove, the young BU squad crushed U.Minnesota in the first round 110-20, soaring into the sweet 16 only to find themselves face to face with tournament Goliath, Pittsburgh. BU was defeated, and the dream of taking the cup came to a halt.

It's for the love of the game.

It's for the love of the game.

In a cinderella story effort, Tuft's advanced all  the way to the finals, narrowly defeating Pittsburgh in one of their many upset matches, but falling before the might of the never-beaten Middlebury team (who yes, invented college quidditch).

After a long weekend, BU has returned home, ready to begin training for the spring season. While official results are pending, it seems BU's new national ranking is 11 or 12.

Well, keep being you, BU, and come out to support your terriers this spring. Good work to the team!
