
You are currently browsing the Engineers Without Borders at Boston University blog archives for the day Saturday, July 18th, 2009.



Day 21

By elissam

Late start this morning. After breakfast, we read over the plans for the improved kitchens and continued to work on calculating elevation points and drawing a preliminary map of the town. We are planning on spending some time this week looking at examples of improved kitchen projects that have been built in the area. We may be traveling to Omia to see some kitchens, and there is one that we know of in Chirimoto that we will be looking at later this week.

This afternoon is Lucho’s Cousin’s wedding. We left around 2:00 and started walking towards Pindicucho, another small neighboring town and the bride’s hometown. The ceremony was a small civil matrimony held in the bride’s family’s home. Dinner and dancing followed. We all felt awkward eating dinner with the bride and groom and their immediate families. After dinner, we watched the bride and groom dance with various relatives, and then the cumbia started and the dance floor was opened up to the rest of the guests. We left around 11 with a relative of Lucho’s who was heading back to Chirimoto.