Category: Students

These are posts by students.

Half Way Home

Since I have been in law school, I have used this blog primarily to speak about the sometimes awkward, sometimes difficult, always fun, refreshing, thought provoking challenges that I have experienced since I have arrived here in Boston. And though I would be lying over-simplifying if I said that the adjustment period is over or […]

Education Week

Unlike college, where I liked to try a little bit of everything (a cappella, fraternity, intramurals, newspaper), in law school I am very picky with my extracurricular activities. Outside of my journal and clinic, which I consider important elements of my legal curriculum, I have restricted myself to two activities that both deal with Education. […]

All Locked Out

This fall there is a real chance that there will be no football or basketball because the collective bargaining agreements (CBA) between the National Football League (NFL) and its players and the National Basketball Association (NBA) and its players both expire this year. Unfortunately, the team owners and players in each sport are nowhere close […]

Constitutional Limits

“Where is that in the Constitution?” I’ve heard this question about 100 times already this semester.  Knee-deep in my Constitutional Law course, I have the distinct privilege (some say curse) of having Professor Maclin as a teacher.  Professor Maclin runs a tight ship, to say the least.  He is well-known at BU for his intense […]

BU Law – past, present & future

Today, I had the chance to sit down with a BU Law graduate and a prospective BU Law student.  Avni, a friend from Northwestern, graduated from BU Law in 2010 and works as an ADA in the Bronx.  She asked me to meet with her friend, Shannon, who had recently been admitted to BU Law […]

Time is of the essence…

In law school there is never enough time. Time takes on a very different meaning here and you begin to realize that you value your time much more that you ever did before. Yet in that valuation of time you realize that despite how much you value your time…it really isn’t your time to value. […]

Mind Warp

Before coming to law school, I had always been told that the first year of law school is all about teaching you how to think differently.  Sure the material in each class is different and some classes you like more than others, but they’re all really geared towards changing how your mind works.  It’s a […]


Networking, networking, networking! Throughout law school you’re told by everyone how important it is to network. As a 1L, networking is the last thing you want to do or have time for, given the reading that’s due tomorrow, the moot court brief hanging over your head and a looking for a summer job. What is […]

Meghan Murphy

I’m writing from the Seattle-Tacoma airport after a 3-day conference where I gave a short talk entitled “Getting Hurt Is Not As Bad As Not Getting What We Got Hurt Going After.” The title was long enough to fill up most of my allotted 20 minutes just by saying the title. The past few days […]


Calm, cool, and confident.  This is what interviews are all about.  And before law school, it’s how I felt during them.  I’d go to the office, talk to a few people and an hour later, I had a job.  In law school…not so much.  For starters, interviews for professionals are much more involved.  2L year […]