Category: Students

These are posts by students.

Reading Between the Bars

My most prized possessions are books. Though my computer is my most expensive possession, followed by my bed and my couch, I wouldn’t think twice about discarding all three items if I had to, say, move across the country or update my laptop for a job. But my books, as inexpensive as they might be […]

Law Prom

When I first started law school, the similarities between law school and high school became apparent quite fast. We all have lockers, each year’s class is roughly 300 people (the size of a high school class), we all take the same classes and have the same class schedules (at least with 90 or so people), […]

Spring (break) Work!

In the second semester of 1L there comes a point where it becomes increasingly difficult to see the forest for the trees, and to remember why you chose to subject yourself to the absurdity nay complexity of the first year of law school, however thankfully BU offers students the opportunity to subject themselves to the […]

Developmental windows

I’m in the short post-spring break surge to the end of my 2L year, at which point I will be two-thirds done with my law student experience. At the same time, my son is 3-and-something years old and about two-thirds done with his first-five-years-of-life experience. Just like law school is a unique window of immersion […]

Post Spring Break and My Stream of Consciousness

I just finished my last spring break ever (I think), and going to Vegas was great.  It was warm, the food was great and I got to relax. Today was my first day of classes since, and man did it hit me hard.  It started snowing the gross wintry mix it does in late spring, […]

Trial Advocacy

This case is about a tragic accident. An honorable man, distracted by uncharacteristic personal troubles, took less care than usual with his gun and tragically paid with his life . . . As I deliver my closing arguments before my Trial Advocacy class, I might as well be on stage. Though my hand is faintly […]

Boston is home, but I won’t be here for a while

They tell you in your second year that you should take an easier load first semester for the job search.  They say this because if you do On Campus Interviewing, you’ll be traveling a lot and it will make things easier on you. Now I wish that I had made my final semester in law […]

Legal Follies

Law school is tough and time-consuming enough, but a group of BU Law students takes it to an entirely new level. The Legal Follies is a sketch-comedy student group at BU School of Law and each February they perform a three-hour or so long variety show for three nights. The group holds auditions in the […]

Legal Rememory

“The future was a matter of keeping the past at bay.” –Sethe, Beloved, Toni Morrison Growing up, I always loved the month of February.  Though arguably the coldest winter month in the Midwest, I looked forward to it in elementary and high school because, being Black History Month, the curriculum in February fascinated me.  I […]


Our tax law professor warned us that he didn’t ace handwriting back in grade school, so we should interrupt him when he writes something on the board that we can’t understand. Sure enough, his name and photo do not appear in the Master Penman Society roll call of champions. As it turns out, though, he […]