Category: Students

These are posts by students.

Closed Book…from theory to practice part 1

School has been out a little more than a month and though I am working, I still find it hard to handle the shear amount of free time that my new found freedom has given me. It is weird being freshly done with 1L yet not really established as a 2L. It is sort of […]

Summertime in the City

It’s 2:45am the night before my first day as a summer associate. As I lie in the tiny room I’m subletting in the West Village, unable to sleep, I hear a tenor saxaphone on the street below soulfully playing “Summertime.” What a fitting way to start out my summer in the city, I think. After […]

Game Over

I’ve been officially done with all things law school this past week. It’s an interesting feeling because for the first time in a LONG time, I have no outlining, reading, papers or studying to do. I’ve been playing a lot of video games because all my friends have exams or papers to turn in (exams […]


Dear admitted student, Congrats on having been accepted!  If you are new to my blog, my name is Alexandria, and I’m a 1L.  Because the admission process is a very intimate one, I figured I would give you some insight into how I made the decision to attend BU.  That being said, I know students […]

Letter to brand new BU Law 1Ls

If you’ve been accepted to BU Law, take it as a vote of confidence that you are a good fit for what BU Law has to offer. There is no question as to whether you have what it takes to build an effective career with the legal training you are about receive. Whatever happens, I’m […]


Dear Admitted Student(s), I’ve gleaned a lot of wisdom about BU over the years. After all, I’ve spent 7 years, or roughly a little over a quarter of my life at BU (undergraduate + law school). There is too much wisdom to share, so I’ll try to limit myself. 1.) Weather. If you are from […]

Letter to a 0L…stay focused on what brought you here

Greetings Admitted Students: I wanted to take the time out to give some anecdotal information and tips that I feel allowed me to maximize my experience as a 1L. The most important thing that I believe you can do, aside from studying hard, is to keep your eyes on the prize, remember your purpose, and […]

Of Public Interest

Each year, the Public Interest Project raises money to provide grants for students who spend their summer working in the public sector.  The fundraisers range from bake sales, to talent shows, to the highly-regarded auction, which took place last night.  Leading up to the auction, the Public Interest Project and the Public Interest Scholars hosted […]

Hyper-empowerment, Part 2

In a post at the beginning of this academic year, I wrote about hyper-empowerment and the law. In my pre-law life, the mythology of being a lawyer was that, for those folks, the world is their oyster (if for no other reason because they have earning power, but more substantively because they have access to […]

Letter to Prospective Students

Dear Prospective Students, Hi.  How are you?  Good?  Good.  I’m writing this because I know going to law school comes with an insane amount of questions.  Some of them, you just can’t find answers to.  Sometimes you’ll find conflicting answers.  Hopefully this letter will answer some questions you have about BU, but this will be […]