
Between our ministry team meeting last week and yesterday, myself, Abigail and Robby have taken charge of “dinner with a chaplain” on Wednesday nights in Warren towers.  Take this blog post as a public service announcement and open invitation to the entire BU community to join us.

What is dinner with a chaplain, you ask?  Well, first of all, be warned that the three of us are not officially “chaplains.”  We are, however, representatives of different facets of religious life on campus, especially Marsh Chapel, and we are all pretty religious individuals ourselves.  We are also all undergraduates, and while I can’t speak for Abigail and Robby, I know that I am still learning how to navigate all of my opportunities, commitments and responsibilities in college.  I consider myself pretty well-versed in extracurriculars, internships, jobs, and more, and am always willing to share my experience with other students who may be struggling with time management or figuring out how to get involved on campus.

Like I said before, I certainly consider myself a religious individual.  Sometimes on college campuses or in cities like Boston, religious people are associated with those who wear robes, swing incense around, or annoyingly hand out literature on end times while you are just trying to get to the Sox game (why, I don’t know…they’re just an embarrassment right now).

So I guess what I’m trying to say is that personally–and I think my colleagues will agree–is that our 5:30 dinners on Wednesday nights in Warren are supposed to be an opportunity for us, as representatives not only of Marsh Chapel but also of the student body as well, to meet more students around campus.  To just say hello, to share a meal, to chat about whatever might be on someone’s mind that day.

As my colleagues will probably tell you, I’m (exhaustingly) excited about this #WarrenWednesdays (a hashtag coined by @BUDiningService, who has been awesome in helping us get the word out!).  I’m always excited to meet new people on campus, and I sincerely hope that you all will feel welcome to come visit us at our usual table, just inside the entrance in Warren.

In addition to our #WarrenWednesdays, keep an eye out for other members of the ministry team at dining halls across campus during lunch and dinner all days of the week–we are all there for the same purpose, and would enjoy your company and conversation for as much time as you can spare.




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