Isolated Growth

The most important people in my life have always given me the space to be me. They rarely crowd or look to control my actions. In perhaps the biggest decision of my life, choosing what college I would attend, my parents gave me complete control. They informed me of the financial situations and left me to decide where I would attend college to me. I feel that is how my relationship with God is, he gives me the freedom to act how I will. My parents and God have many things in common, (no my parents are not God) but most apparent is a trust in me. They had trust in the child they raised, and I believe, that God trust in the person that has been trying to live more like his son for years. My parents never questioned my decision to attend BU and supported me throughout the  entire process. Till this day they demonstrate this trust in me, they only call when they miss me, not to check up on me, but to simply talk to me.

I like to believe that me and God have a special friendship. I know he has my back and he knows I have his. God has allowed me to grow by giving me space. Space that can feel lonely and isolating, but that is where I grow the most. When I’ve been alone and believed to be without God, I have undergone the most impactful change. Alone is where I made my college decision and alone in college is where I’ve grown in the best way.

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