Sabbath Moments

I’ve recently taken to the idea of “Sabbath Moments”. Sabbath moments are those things that we do for ourselves, to slow down, to maintain our sanity, to notice the divine. In the past few weeks those moments have become even more important. The number of assignments steadily increased, the responsibilities to extra-curricular groups, family and friends piled up, and troubling news continued to pour in. In the midst of all this, it has been rather easy to start to feel overwhelm. When I look at all I have to do and my anxiety level rises and all I can think about is how tired I feel, that is when I know it is time for a Sabbath. Making time to put down my phone, read a book for fun, eat some comfort food, admire the sunset or watch a show for the billionth time has been so important to my stability. I’ve realized that these Sabbath moments are less about what I am doing, and more about how I approach that action. I am no longer result driven; I enter the moment seeking only rest and peace. I emerge from these moments renewed-ready to continue the work I have been given.

Life can be a lot sometimes, but I think it’s the Sabbath moments that get us through. Accepting the invitation to focus on something for ourselves for a moment is so important and allows us to lay down our burdens and notice something other than our to-do lists. In Hebrews chapter 4, the author speaks of the rest that God has promised saying “ a Sabbath rest still remains for the people of God…let us therefore make every effort to enter that rest”(Hebrew 4:9 and 11). As we prepare to enter the holiday, and finals season, I intend to take those Sabbath moments, resting my mind and soul.

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