I’ve thought a lot about how things have changed in the seemingly short span of a year. A lot of changes have happened and I didn’t know what the future held, especially because at this time last year I was visiting BU for transition day and learning very quickly that things were going to be different, in more ways than one. I remember January 27, 2018 like it was yesterday, and sometimes it still does feel like yesterday. So much information was being thrown at me and I didn’t even know if I was going to like going to school at a place that seemed at the time so big and crowded. However, I’m here and I weathered the storm of a first semester at BU successfully, and because of that I feel different about this semester. I’m not worried, I’m optimistic that things will be amazing for me.
This semester, it’s different; this time it’s different. I’ve found myself at BU, and have grown in ways I never expected I would. I never expected that through my time at Marsh I received the call to ministry after I graduate. I never expected to find a second family at Marsh. Then again, I never expected to do as well as I have at BU either. I’m not afraid of what my future holds, because I know that God will provide and is with me in every class, meeting, and more. He is what keeps me stable and for that I will always be grateful. I’ll always have the memories of the past and of Wheelock and I’ll look back on those memories fondly and happily, but it’s time to move on because it’s a new semester with new adventures and chapters to write, and I cannot wait to see how the story unfolds.
One Comment
nedayas posted on June 1, 2023 at 3:53 am
I think the future has never been scary!!!
It is our belief about the future that is scary!!!