Suffer to Succeed

I was participating in Bible Study last Thursday night and we read a verse in Romans ( I am 77 percent sure, it has been a long week), and we landed on the topic of suffering. I listened to stories of struggling with classes and questioning your major and fears of financial problems and waisting time. I felt empathy listening to everyone speak about their struggles and really did pray that they found peace. I genuinely desired happiness and confidence to be instilled in these individuals and I was almost moved to tears listening to their struggles and their questioning of God and why ask Christians we have to struggle so much. However, I had nothing to share. By no means have I never experienced struggle. I’ve had a far share of financial problems, tried so hard in class and still fell short and questioned God when illness struck my family. But, at this moment and in the past years, maybe since the summer going into Junior year, I’ve always known that God would allow me to overcome my struggle. I tried to articulate this in bible study and explain that I’m very confident in my major, in myself and I have been blessed these past years in my life. Another participant responded, “just wait, it will hit you too”. The individual quickly understood the meaning of the words and tried to rephrase with, “use this time of blessing to will you through your struggles.” I understood what the person wanted to say, I appreciated the honesty, but I could not ignore a large question in my mind. Do Christians have to struggle?, is it possible for it to be all good and not have to have a dark time?

I would argue on the contrary. Call me an optimist, pollyanna, or naive to realities of life but I believe that with God it can be all good. Now my version of good is different than everyone else’s version. I’ve been “good” for a while now. I got into to an amazing college, I found two subjects that I really have a passion for (in the library right now) and I feel closer than ever to my family. Forgive me for the cliche but, Life is Good. Though I appreciate the individual that wanted to warn me of the pain they currently feel, I will take caution, but if I never dive into the realm of painful suffering, I will not be surprised.

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