Posts by: Devin Harvin

It’s the simple things

It happens like clockwork. I lay in my bed ready to sleep and I began to go through my day, the work needed to be done tomorrow, all the future stresses of the week and I think God’s got me so I can make it through this one, “he”s gotten me through worst.” I realized […]

There’s Still Hope

Two weeks ago I wrote, one of the most painful and personal blogs I have ever written. It hurt. Every word hit my heart in ways I couldn’t imagine. I had the opportunity to talk through my thoughts with various leaders here at Marsh, the support I received from people of color and particularly, people […]

For my brother Syms.

Monday evening I spent my time welcoming the Black Community here at BU back to campus. A good turnout and a good time. I went to sleep excited about the work the Black Student Union could do on campus. Tuesday, I awoke, got myself situated for the day and went to the dining hall to […]

Reflections and Readjustments

I had the summer of a lifetime. Boston University was my school at the end of May, now I consider it home. I can’t thank God enough for putting me in the position he did this summer. I grew as a person and as a believer. I’ll explain one small part of my summer and […]

Final Reflections from Freshman Year

Sitting in the second floor of the George Sherman Union, writing the last essay of freshman year, I can only be grateful. Grateful for the obstacles that made me feel like quitting and going back home. Grateful for the success I felt after receiving my first A paper. Grateful for confirming the decision I made […]

Isolated Growth

The most important people in my life have always given me the space to be me. They rarely crowd or look to control my actions. In perhaps the biggest decision of my life, choosing what college I would attend, my parents gave me complete control. They informed me of the financial situations and left me […]

Suffer to Succeed

I was participating in Bible Study last Thursday night and we read a verse in Romans ( I am 77 percent sure, it has been a long week), and we landed on the topic of suffering. I listened to stories of struggling with classes and questioning your major and fears of financial problems and waisting […]

The Pleasure in Discomfort

I miss the music. I miss the drums and the piano and the bass. I miss the clapping and smiles, and the rhythms that helped me fall in love with God. I miss knowing every song and anticipating every change in beat. I miss, most of all, the feeling I had when poorly singing the […]

I feel like Jacob how he wrestled with God…..

I awoke today to vague text in a group message about police sirens and ambulances outside a friends dorm. My friend lives at Kilachand Hall and he awoke to the news of a freshman’s body being found. I learned of this new at the beginning of my first discussion at about 12PM and finally understood […]

Much More than Time

A time of rejoicing For the son of man has risen. A time of peace and love And congregations filled with joy And large smiles on faces of children as they enter the church.   A time of reflections and renewal For he died and lives again for us Darkness forced to flee as light […]