Category: Abigail

Grad School, or What Is This “Future” You Speak Of?

My friends and I call it “the million dollar question.” It’s the one every adult (and a lot of your peers) ask you as you get closer to graduating college: “What are you going to do next?” Terrifying, right? There is a myriad of questions contained within that one query. What do you want to […]

Before We Eat

Saying grace–in other words, praying before a meal–is an important ritual in my family’s mealtimes. As children, we would always dread the moment, because my father would call on me or my brother or my sister to say the blessing. There is no pressure–especially at larger family gatherings with generation upon generation of family members […]

Conversations Over (Kosher) Cookies

Last night, I was at Marsh Chapel for around four hours. No, don’t worry. We haven’t instituted some Puritanical four-hour-long Tuesday night service (though extra-long services would be in the New England tradition…). I was there for the Boston University Interfaith Council’s kickoff event. The Interfaith Council is the group I run (technically, my title […]

Big Questions: In Which Abigail Uses an Over-Extended Metaphor

This week, we are supposed to write about the big questions. No pressure. Just some little queries like: Why am I here? What is driving me? You know, the kind of existentialist things that philosophers have been stroking their beards about since the beginning of time. Ok, I’m being snarky. Self examination is important. And […]

Not Quite Salsa Dancing

By: Abigail Clauhs When I came to BU, I knew that I wanted to join the literary magazine. Or maybe the Quidditch team. Possibly even the salsa dancing club. (Granted, most of those activities require more coordination than I have ever possessed). If you had told someone who knew me—or, let’s be honest, if you […]