Category: Ian

Letting Go of Time

Over the past week and a half, I was confronted by an incredibly difficult question. It was not as existential as what my purpose in life was, nor as practical as what kind of career I wanted to pursue after college. It was actually a simple one, one that each one of us encounters daily: […]

(Un)tangling Dinner

This past Monday, I spent an entire afternoon planning and preparing Marsh Community dinner. Every Monday evening, one or several people volunteer to plan and cook a meal for about 40 people. I had agreed to cook with someone I had met the week before. Neither of us had much experience doing this; this was […]

Presence without a Face

When you think of God, what images come to your mind? This past week, I was asked to draw a picture to answer this question.  When I stood back to examine my work, one thing immediately stood out to me: not a single person was in it. This observation called me to reconsider how God […]

Where the Hearth Is

Hello! My name is Ian, and I can’t wait to begin working as a Marsh associate! This year, I will be a sophomore in the college of Arts and Sciences. While I have not yet decided what I want to study, my current interests are anthropology, neuroscience, or statistics. Languages also fascinate me, especially Ancient […]