
I’ve been stuck on the notion of a different mindset since November and the election. I have grown use to our new reality of who runs our country and have said that hard goodbye to a man that has inspired me and millions that look like me. However, this past weekend at the Women’s March I could not help but return back to the idea of a mindset. I kept thinking how can anyone not support some of the basic request that individuals are making. For example, equal pay for both genders and all races, to me, seems logical, understandable and constitutional. However, for others it is not.

Thus, I have consistently been plagued with not understanding how simple ideas such as equal pay cannot be agreed upon. Furthermore, the idea that an african american life is just as valuable to a white american life once again seems logical, understandable and constitutional. However, for so many these simple and clear and honest and basic ideas are refuted. I will never understand why. I stood there amongst thousands and was taken aback that all we want is what was promised to us since 1776. There is no plan for revenge or establishing ourselves as dominant. Instead, we simply want equality. I’m truly perplexed that someone can refute climate change, or that women don’t get paid the same as men for the same job, when their is evidence that says otherwise. Nonetheless, I have accepted that this mindset will forever be foreign to me. There is no way we should not all agree that we all deserve equal opportunity. Any opposition to that, is incorrect and is in no way connected to the God I believe in.

I believe in difference, however, this quote explains it best. “We can disagree and still have love for each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my professional and denial of my humanity and right to exist.”

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