Category: student post

The Sugar Glider

Petaurus breviceps, more commonly referred to as the “Sugar Glider,” is a small marsupial found in Australia. On average Sugar Glides have the ability to glide approximately 50-150 meters. Sugar gliders have a squirrel-like body ending in a long tail. The heady is rather short and narrow. The hind feet are “syndactylus”, with two of […]

The Flying Lizard

The agamid genus Draco, also known as the Flying Lizard, is a gliding animal. Within Southeast Asia, there are many different species of Draco, but they all have the same physical adaptation of a patagium. A patagium is an extension of extra skin from the body that acts as a wing for gliding animals. What […]

Batman and Biomimetics

Superman cannot be explained. He soars faster than a speeding bullet- and without aid. Iron Man can be described as an engineer. He built a high-tech suit to rocket him sky high. Batman however, uses neither high-tech suits or the power of radiation to fly. Batman has mastered biomimetics. Biomimetics is the art of mimicking […]

Flight of the Malayan Colugo

The Mayan Colugo (Galeopterus variegatus) is a small mammal, about 34-40 cm in length and 1-2kg, which inhabits the dense forests of Southeast Asia. Recently, it has been discovered that the Colugo is actually the closest living relative of primates, making it a hot topic in evolutionary biology. It is nocturnal and feeds on young […]

The “Flying Squirrel”

Though they are called “flying squirrels”, they actually don’t fly but glide. There are 43 known species of flying squirrels in the world. For example, the Northern Flying Squirrel which has a total length from 23 to 35.6 cm weighs from 100 to 167 g at adulthood. Observations taken have shown that it can glide a distance up to 30.8 […]