Posts by: mdimov

One Of Us: Discussing Descartes & Animal Consciousness

Relating to CC201’s study of The Renaissance is the essay ‘One Of Us’ by John Jeremiah Sullivan on animal consciousness, in which he discusses Descartes’ views on the topic. Here is an extract: Descartes’ term for them [animals] was automata—windup toys, like the Renaissance protorobots he’d seen as a boy in the gardens at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, “hydraulic statues” that […]

Gender Inequality: CC204 & The Claims of Esquire’s Editor

Relating to last week’s lecture by Professor Mears on gender inequality and Hochschild’s readings, are two articles discussing the claim made by the Esquire’s editor, that “women are there to be beautiful objects”. Some extracts: “The women we feature in the magazine are ornamental,” he said, speaking at the Advertising Week Europe conference in London on Tuesday. […]

CC105 Information

To all CC105 students, Nate and Gayle, your Core Mentors, have been sending out weekly emails summarizing the important topics from the lectures that week, reminding you of assignments and giving you links to some science articles that you may find interesting. The Core Blog is regularly updated with what is being sent in these […]

Famous Authors To Famous Authors

As an example of fan letters written by famous authors to famous authors, here is a sample of W.H. Auden’s words to James Agee’s editors in 1944: In my opinion, his column is the most remarkable regular event in American journalism to-day. What he says is of such profound interest, expressed with such extraordinary wit […]

Beastly Boys & Ghastly Girls – Illustrated Poetry

The Core presents a collaboration between editor William Cole and children’s book illustrator Tomi Ungerer, in which various poems by A.A. Milne, Ted Hughes & Shelley Silverstein are illustrated in lovely and amusing ways. For the full set of poems accompanied by their illustrations, visit

An Introduction to Self-Publishing

The Guardian is offering extremely helpful advice on self-publishing. In brief: This comprehensive one-day course offers advice on all the finer points of self-publishing. From designing a cover to managing your costs (and projecting your profits), plus essential tips on how to promote your work in the press and social media, get inside knowledge from […]

Six Degrees of Francis Bacon

This project reassembles the Early Modern social network, interweaving many of the personalities studied in CC201:

The Future of the Bolshoi Ballet

The Core presents an article from The Atlantic discussing the Bolshoi ballet and its changing state. Here is an extract: History and lingering popular sentiments tether the institution to the state more than any other cultural venue, even if ideologically speaking, neither is much use to the other. Though Putin’s own insistence on machismo makes clear […]

‘Seeds of Hope’ by Jane Goodall

In this article for the Boston Globe, Adam Langer discusses Jane Goodall’s new work. He describes it as: Part reminiscence, part natural history, and part plea on behalf of the natural world, “Seeds of Hope” begins with Goodall’s childhood in Bournemouth, England, where she recalls spending hours in her favorite tree doing her homework, reading […]