September 3, 2013 at 9:00 am
Look at divisional now back to me now back at divisional now back to me Sadly, some people think divisional is “better” than Core but if you do take the Core you become an intellectual champion like me Look down back up Where are you? You’re in the Paradiso with a man well versed in […]
September 2, 2013 at 3:48 pm
To anyone who ever aspires to one day be a published author, the question of how to become a writer is never far from the mind. The reason could be because the label is rather insubstantial. Unlike becoming a doctor, where the boundaries are set so clearly that even your name changes from Mr/Ms to […]
September 1, 2013 at 9:00 am
Relating to CC102’s study of Confucius, and Prof. Wiebke Denecke’s lecture on Confucian China, is the Zhuangzi, a compilation of wisdom teachings much like the Dao De Jing. After scrupulous analysis of Herbert A. Giles’s 1889 translation, Oscar Wilde comes to the following conclusion in his review: It is clear that Chuang Tzu is a very dangerous […]
August 28, 2013 at 9:49 am
Consciousness. What is it? The Core cannot say. However, an article by Michael Graziano for Aeon Magazine makes some interesting claims. Here is an extract: Many thinkers have approached consciousness from a first-person vantage point, the kind of philosophical perspective according to which other people’s minds seem essentially unknowable. And yet… we spend a lot of […]
August 28, 2013 at 9:31 am
While “creativity” is difficult to define, it seems fairly certain that something of the sort exists. We know little of its origins, but can observe the environments in which it thrives. Here is John Cleese’s take on it: Cleese successfully outlines “the 5 factors that you can arrange to make your lives more creative”. Here […]
August 27, 2013 at 4:31 pm
Nothing’s better than subtle humor. Whether it be an obscure reference, an inside joke, or something that takes a couple minutes on wikipedia before anyone can laugh, getting something that takes a minute creates endless satisfaction. To those avid redditors out there, this post is nothing new. Two months ago, StickleyMan asked reddit “what’s the […]
August 26, 2013 at 7:22 pm
In case you, like a few of us, didn’t manage to find the time to hit a movie theater up this summer (or perhaps need a little convincing to give Baz Lurhmann another shot), here’s a review of The Great Gatsby that made me want to give the movie a try: But that’s Luhrmann in […]
August 26, 2013 at 12:28 pm
(Core 08’, CAS 10’) Years at Boston University: 7 years. Fabiana writes: I spent four years at BU as an undergrad, but have spent the last three post-graduation years always involved in the university in some capacity (involved with Core’s EnCore group, student theater groups, etc.). Current location: Boston, MA, USA. Company and Title: Employee at […]
August 26, 2013 at 11:48 am
Throughout the next couple of months, the MFA will be hosting numerous intriguing lectures related to the Museum’s special exhibitions and timely art topics. Here is the description from their site: Speakers include artists and art experts from around the world. Or expand your art horizons with one-day to ten-session offerings designed to complement the […]
August 26, 2013 at 10:10 am
Pertaining to CC101’s study of Gilgamesh and ancient Mesopotamia, is this article on the completed Assyrian tongue. As a dead language that has not been spoken for two millennia, the project was started in 1921 and took 90 years to complete. Dr. Irving Finkel, a contributor to the project, describes it as “a heroic and […]