What’s up in DOS?


…now, don’t panic. Dean Elmore’s hanging out with Chief Robbins this morning and we’re going to grab him for an interview! Check back later for more….

The Key to an On-Time Orientation Experience

We've gotten a lot of questions here at DOS about event times and locations...here's a tip that will help you get through orientation on schedule!

You'll get student and/or parent schedules when you check in for orientation. If you lose yours, ask a representative from Orientation or come by the dean's office on the second floor of the George Sherman Union to pick one up.

And by the way, congratulations Session 1, you did it!

terrier love,

Band Director Chris Parks visits DOS!


Chris Parks brought in the NCAA trophy!!! Check it out!! Oh. Yes. We also interviewed him. Great advice...though I had to get angry with him at the end...

What’s up in DOS?

Okay, so Orientation Session One is a crazy time...but that doesn't mean dan and I aren't psyched to be welcoming folks to the dean's office! Check back later for an interview with Chris Parks...director of BU Bands.

Welcome home Coach Chambers!

So, our newest terrier, Coach Chambers, came by DOS today and our office liked him so much we wanted to make sure you met him!

Ooooh…a new video blog post?!

Celie and Dan are psyched to have Coach Chambers of Basketball visiting the office today! Check back later for more.

Parents Weekend

I'm sure this will become frequently blogged subject, but for now, here's our first post on the parents weekend.

What: Orientation said it best..."parents weekend is a celebration of Boston University students and their families."

Why: Because there's no better time for students to share their BU experience with their families. There are optional events all weekend for visiting parents, but best of all there's ample time for students and parents to catch up on what life's like at BU. My parents have come every year, and every year they say they learned something new, or got to know a little something extra about my life here. I strongly recommend it.

When: October 16-18th, 2009.

Where: Well, obviously, you'll spend most of your time on our campus in Boston. But I've got some hotel ideas for you that could save you a few dollars. First, if you say "I'm visiting BU" at the following hotels, they may give you a discount...

Holiday Inn, Brookline: 617-277-1200. This is my parents' favorite spot. It's very close to campus and a short walk to Coolidge Corner, a family-oriented, quiet neighborhood here in Boston. They have a special reduced rate for BU students and parents of $169, and after November that will drop to $149.

The Hyatt Regency, Cambridge: 617-492-1234. My parents have stayed here several times. One quick walk across the BU Bridge will get you on campus. This hotel isn't guaranteeing reduced rates for Parents Weekend, but its worth a try.

For more discounts specific to visiting parents and students please visit campusvisit.com's Boston site. If you choose one of their hotels, be sure to simply say, "I am visiting Boston University" in order to get the discounted rates.

Who: Parents Weekend is run by our office of orientation, but you should also check out our special BU parents site to find out more information.

So there ya go! We look forward to seeing you in October, and if you're a new student, for orientation over the summer as well!

terrier love,


Safety? That one’s on us.

Here's a challenge: name one BU student you know who isn't guilty of leaving their backpacks, bags, or even laptops in the GSU. Or my personal favorite, when a student asks someone else (usually a complete stranger) in their general vicinity to watch their belongings? I've done it. Many times. Honestly, who hasn't?

Here at the Dean's office, we've got safety on the mind. Today, I'm capturing footage for an upcoming judicial affairs video, so I have lots of time to reflect on safety (and to write you!) while our footage captures....

There are so many small, day-to-day, personal decisions that we make about our safety, the safety of our belongings, and even the safety of our community. So many, in fact, that the majority of the time we don't really think about them.

So...I came up with a list according to the footage I'm watching. It's in no particular order and, please, by all means, feel free to suggest additions in your comments. After all, the goal here is not the preach or punish, but to change the way we make decisions on campus in order to make ourselves and our community safer.

1. You know the candy in the GSU CampCo? turns out, it's not up for grabs. Even if you can get away with it, don't steal. Next time you reach for that chocolate-covered pretzel, pretend its your laptop--which is probably sitting in the library or GSU at that moment anyway--and think about what it'd feel to return to find it stolen.

2. Which brings me to my next point: watch your stuff. That one's pretty self explanatory, so I'm gonna move on.

3. Yes, we live in Massachusetts. No, that does not mean pot is legal. No, that does not mean we condone underage drinking. Yes, you will face disciplinary action by BU and fines or worse for breaking the law.

4. We got a call this morning about a door in south campus that has been propped open for the last several days. That means anyone in Boston, anyone on their way to a Red Sox game, anyone walking through south for whatever reason, has access to one of our housing complexes. Safe? Not so much. Please don't prop doors.

5. Look both ways. **queue instinctive roll of the eyes.** No, but seriously. Think about it...every time you cross comm ave you're dealing with at least four lanes of traffic, if not six or eight, two T lanes, and goodness knows how many bikes. Pedestrian safety is a huge issue in Boston...looking both ways several times can save your life and possibly someone else's.

Okay, I don't want to sound preachy, so I'm going to stop with those. I'll be sure to post the video when we're done with it. I promise it's much more fun than the list above. But please try and keep those things in mind. I certainly need to.

Be safe this summer. And all the time, for that matter. 🙂


Read. It’s how we roll.

It's 91 degrees outside. Beach weather. And while we may not be on the beautiful sandy shores (ahem...) of Massachusetts, we're day dreaming about our beach reads. The titles are all below, and everybody had a little something to say about their reads, which you'll also find below. Enjoy!

Dean Elmore: "I read lots of books at once, usually. A favorite? Hmmm...I'll go with The Ghost Map. But I'm also busy catching up on Gossip Girl. The show. Not the book."

Dean DeLuca: "Brothers in Arms: the Kennedys, the Castros, and the Politics of Murder. Yeah. That sounds like me."

Kat: "I just finished Nothing is Quite Forgotten in Brooklyn. It was GRRRRRREEEEAAT. Now I'm moving on to Rattled..." **here, kat launches into euphoric monologue about subject of said new book.**

Dan: "Tipping Point. Then Blink."

Dean Weldon: "The Road. It's depressing. And there's lots of cannibalism. You, know, because of the end of the world..."

Susan: "I'm reading James Carroll's books right now. American Requiem was a great read."

Celie: "Apologize, Apologize. I heard about it on NPR. It's Fantastic! I think it may secretly be about my own family."

Laurel: "I am reading Cold War books for class. That's all. But if I could, I'd be reading Finger Lickin' Fifteen."

So, that's who's in the office today, and that's what we'd be reading if we were on a beach right now, as the weather is suggesting we should be.

Turnin' those pages,


Andrew Weller is the new David Bergman

Oh. Herro.

Remember that time we elected the first African American President? and then some guy named David Bergman created a 1,474 megapixel image of the historic day? No? Oh, well then please click below, because it will change your life.

Okay. Now that you've seen that, boy have we got a treat for you. Dean Elmore shared this incredible image with the office this morning, and we all thought you guys should see it, too. Its the same idea, only of the 2009 BU Graduation! Our office spent the morning finding everyone we know in this photo. We think you should do the same, and then tag yourselves. Check it out...

Andrew Reed Weller is officially the new David Bergman. A-MAZING.
