Engineers Without Borders at Boston University

Young engineers making their contribution to change



Day 17

By elissam

Angel met us at 8:30 to finish the second excavation of the piping systems. We had started found another place yesterday, in front of the house where the tanks from the old system are and started to dig, but ended up digging a trench and running water through it to soften the ground. Again, we were unsure of exactly where the systems would cross. This excavation should have shown us the intersection of the Old and Foncodes systems, and we uncovered both pipes, but not in the same place. We estimated the cross to be some ten feet away from the hole and trench we had dug. We also surveyed and measured the tank and reservoirs.

Rinchard, Charlie, and I left for Mendoza with Antonio Trigoso at 3- the others will come tomorrow in another car. While we were gone they held an impromptu water board meeting, and started to plan the commitees and our next meeting.

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