Tagged: fitness

Challenge #7

MyPlate Challenge To help you complete this challenge, follow the tips below: • Find recipes, information and helpful tips at http://www.choosemyplate.gov/ • Make at least half your grains whole grains • Boost your nutrition and feeling of fullness by rounding out meals and snacks with vegetables and fruits. Most people have to make an effort […]

Challenge #6

Embrace Mini-Meditations Watch this video on YouTube Adam’s tips to complete this week’s challenge: 1. Sit comfortable with your feet on the floor. 2. Slowly breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Fill your lungs from the bottom up like a water jug. Commit to a good exhale with each breath. 3. […]

Challenge #4

Get Moving! Okay, it’s not summer anymore but it’s still nice out! All the more reason to get outside and walk around – and what better place to do it than the city of Boston? Regular exercise is essential to weight management and improves overall health, well-being and mood, but it often gets pushed aside […]