Exactly a year after launching the Asia Pacific Young Leaders Program (APYLP) – a consortium of young leaders in policy, businesses and academia, SGRA (Atsumi Foundation) as part of the APYLP held the first annual forum on February 2, 2019 at the International House of Japan in Tokyo.
As the very first of five joint sessions to be held annually, the policy topic chosen for the inaugural APYLP x SGRA Forum was renewable energy.
As tedious as the preparation process in launching the APYLP was, Atsumi Foundation and the International House of Japan took ample time to structure the forum in such a way that we would be able to incorporate various perspectives on this critical issue of our time.
Entitled ‘Can Renewable Energy Change the World? Moving beyond “An Inconvenient Truth”,’ we invited keynote speakers who are at the forefront of energy issues in academia and policy. Engineering professors have also come on board as panelists and there were technical discussions led by them, as well as community-level discussions on renewable energy use.
I spoke on renewable energy in trade wars. The presentation was based on the policy paper I published with the Korea Economic Institute of America. In my presentation, I tried to raise awareness on how small and medium-sized solar panel tech developers could be wiped out in the midst of the trade war (safeguard on solars), due to a country’s renewable energy policy that is that lacks strategic thinking – the case of South Korea.
[Updates of this post as of December 15, 2019]
The verbatim-record report of the presentations is here.
The videos of the presentations are available here:
Dr. Llewellyn Hughes – Renewable Energyに関する世界の動向
Mr. Hans-Josef Fell – Global experience of Energiewende
Dr. June Park – Renewable Energy in Trade Wars – 国際政治経済からの視点

Presenting “Renewable Energy in Trade Wars” at the International House of Japan in Tokyo, February 2, 2019.
Photos courtesy of ©International House of Japan.