Please join me Thursday for an online panel discussion on COVID-19 with perspectives from Asia, sponsored by the International Academic Forum (IAFOR) and the Korea Foundation.
During the 5 minute presentation allotted I will first explain in the first half the impact of COVID-19 on the US-China relations in the technological context of AI (esp. in relation to new U.S. measures to curb Taiwanese supply to Huawei), then connect it to South Korea and Japan as rival chip producers related to the trade spat that began in July 2019 (and ongoing).
In the latter half, I will touch upon how AI is utilized in South Korea’s responses to COVID-19. I have several writing projects at the moment on the South Korean social contract for social distancing post-MERS (2015) using the Smart Management System (SMS), testing (RT-PCR), contact tracing and mask provision. I will take any questions from the floor regarding the KCDC’s measures and the public response.
Note: This panel is a continuation of the KF project on Japan-Korea Relations in U.S.-China Relations, of which the first workshop was held at the National Library of Korea in Seoul in November 2020. Following the online panel, the subsequent workshop will be held in Kobe at the AAS-in-Asia Conference.
(Updated June 1, 2020:
For those who have missed the Facebook Live, you can watch it on the IAFOR Youtube Channel here or the IAFOR ACAS Conference website here. My running time is: 54:00-1:03:00.)