[PUBLICATION] Policy Paper on North Korea’s Cyber-hacking of Bitcoins published by NCNK / Wilson Center

Screen Shot 2022-01-26 at 10.34.56 PMMy policy paper, ‘Cyber-hacking as a Means of “Self-reliance”: North Korea’s Ransomware-based Cyber-hacking for Economic Gains in the Absence of Regulations on Cryptocurrencies in Global Finance’ has just been published by the Wilson Center and the National Committee on North Korea (NCNK) in Washington, DC. Click on the right to read.

This is my ongoing effort on addressing regulating digital currencies in global finance. My next policy paper will be on the launch of central bank digital currencies (CBDC). 

It has been a truly arduous journey for this paper. The paper was first commissioned by NCNK in the summer 2021, months after being reviewed and rejected by the North Korea Economic Forum (NKEF) at the George Washington Institute for Korean Studies (GWIKS) at George Washington University.

NCNK took this project seriously and it was invited for the ‘Understanding North Korea’ Paper Series with the Korea Center at the Wilson Center,  which was then headed by Jean H. Lee, the creator of reputable podcast on North Korea’s cyber-hacking from BBC World Service, ‘The Lazarus Heist’.

NCNK and the Wilson Center have worked tirelessly to publish my piece, at a time when North Korea continues to test hypersonic missiles amid the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Give it a read!

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