Intersections: an Introduction

My name is Robert Lucchesi (although once you get to know me you can call me Robby), and I am one of the Marsh Associate Interns for the 2012-2013 academic year! I am honored and humbled to be working with the Chapel at the literal center of Boston University. I am a Theatre Arts major in the College of Fine Arts and a Religion minor in the College of Arts and Sciences. When I got to college, I was quite sure that I wanted to pursue a life in the Theatre, but after a tumultuous freshman year, I began to doubt that theatre was truly what God was calling me to do. By sophomore year, I began to discern what my next step would be at BU; I knew transferring or changing majors was an option, but theatre was still my creative passion. I am incredibly blessed in the School of Theatre to have an immense amount of flexibility in my schedule, so at the beginning of this most recent summer, I decided to stay in CFA and pursue ministry through my Religion minor and outside activities. After I graduate, I want to volunteer for a year or two and then pursue a Masters of Divinity degree.

My interests in religion are twofold: academic and ministerial. From an academic standpoint, I enjoy studying the intersections of Art and Architecture History and Religion. I see the creative impulses of artists as expressions of God’s grace and presence in our lives, and art, whether it is visual or performing, has always been a tool for me to explore my personal relationship with what I see as the ultimate creator. From a more practical and ministerial perspective, I focus on ministry towards the LGBTQ community. Queer people of faith face unique challenges in both the LGBTQ community and religious communities worldwide, and I hope to help empower us, especially youth and young adults, to challenge the perception that religion and sexuality always have to be at odds. I will be the student leader for OUTLook, the LGBTQ ministry group at Marsh Chapel, and I hope to facilitate dialogue and fellowship that strengthens our community of believers.

So if you interested in having a conversation, email me!: Also, I am blogging (under the username roblucchesi) for another blog for my Dramaturgy class, and I plan to discuss a lot more religion and art over there (not to mention, you can read other posts written by my brilliant classmates!).

God Bless


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