“And Then We Did The Dishes”

This week marks that three weeks have past since my parents dropped me off at BU. And though, my clothes are unpacked, and I’ve learned how to use the laundry rooms, the dining halls and even the T, I didn’t really settle in here until I found myself worshipping again in my faith community.

Last Thursday I went to a service with The Sanctuary Boston, a vibrant and musical Unitarian Universalist worship community. It had been far too long since I had been able to sing and share and experience faith with other UUs. When I walked in to the beautiful and historic church building I was greeted by the hugs and smiles of friends, new and old who had come together to worship.

The theme of the service, which ended up being exactly what I needed to hear, was “In Holy Transition”. We talked and thought about the transitions and changes in our lives. And we took time to be grateful for God, and community, and family and everything else that helps us stay strong during times of transition, both good and bad. I was so incredibly happy to worship with these people.

I feel like what had been missing over the past three weeks was the sense of belonging and connection to the holy that comes from worshipping with my faith community. That sense of belonging starts in the worship space, but quickly moves out into the rest of the gathering. After the worship and the following dinner, one of the leaders asked me if I would mind helping with the dishes. Some people would argue that asking a first time guest at a service to help with clean up is bad form, but I think it is really important to give people a chance to give back to a community. Two of us ended up downstairs chatting and washing dishes, and through that service I felt like I was contributing. I think I learned what I had been missing in my absence from UU community. I missed the social aspects, the friends and conversations, I missed the worship and the feeling of divine love that accompanies it, but most of all I missed being able to give back to a UU community. I feel blessed from worshipping with The Sanctuary, and even more blessed from giving back to them.


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