Final Reflections from Freshman Year

Sitting in the second floor of the George Sherman Union, writing the last essay of freshman year, I can only be grateful. Grateful for the obstacles that made me feel like quitting and going back home. Grateful for the success I felt after receiving my first A paper. Grateful for confirming the decision I made this time a year ago to attend Boston University. I won’t be too reflective and dwell on my feelings entering my last week as a freshman. Instead, I’ll write a letter to high school seniors.

Dear Senior,

First off it’s okay to cry. Moreover, its normal to feel like you can’t continue on the challenging path called Freshman year. I’ve done both many times over this first year. Secondly, college is hard, painful, enlightening, developing, ugly and beautiful simultaneously. Embrace every part of it. Don’t find the painful or dwell on the beautiful for too long. Third, stick to your beliefs and find your group. Coming into college I wanted to “reinvent” myself, become a better and improved Devin. I was willing to change who I was, what I believed in, and felt that I had to. You don’t. I’ve found a group of people who believe and accept me, and encourage me to be the individual that I am. Fourth, if your into God like I am, take time to focus on God. It does wonders for your soul. All nighters and last minute papers could not have been written if I didn’t have the opportunity to focus on God. If it’s for 1 minute or  1 hour it can make a difference. Lastly, enjoy your first year, because it goes so fast. I remember moving in, fighting back tears when my parents left and nervously introducing myself to new people. It feels like yesterday, but you’ll grow so much in such a small amount of time.



All praises to the most high for giving me the strength to succeed at Boston University and the courage to share it with others. I am so excited for what God has in store for me in the future years. Sitting in the second floor of the George Sherman Union. writing the last essay of freshman year, I feel accomplished.

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