There’s Still Hope

Two weeks ago I wrote, one of the most painful and personal blogs I have ever written. It hurt. Every word hit my heart in ways I couldn’t imagine. I had the opportunity to talk through my thoughts with various leaders here at Marsh, the support I received from people of color and particularly, people not of color, gave me hope. I really believe things can change, I believe that being a good person will become the norm in our society. I wrote that blog two weeks ago, but in reality I’ve been writing it since it hit my home of Baltimore in April. I’ve been writing it since I saw my closest friend’s childhood be destroyed and the pain in his eyes.  I realized how much it hurt me to see him so hurt. I changed my last blog to his name after realizing that he inspired me. I don’t think I’ll write about this subject for awhile, at least not in the way I had before. I gave my last blog everything I had. I poured out my entire heart. I needed it, in the best way.

I’m committing myself to making it cool to be good person again. Yes, I am tired of the protest and the hashtags and the twitter campaigns. But, I’m not tired of the hope that is being spread. I’m not tired of the good being spread. I want to find a way to spread that good. Something so contagious, that no one can avoid it. I think I’m very close to finding something that makes me come alive, to quote Howard Thurman. When I do, I’ll make sure it spreads like a wildfire. The perfect example is Christ himself. There’s still hope despite the reality we live in right now, I believe that in my core, I think I have to.



On a completely different note, the detail in music and the power it has, is staying with me more than usual this week. During our weekly meeting we had the time to write to ourselves while listening to music and I got to play one of my favorite artist. I think there’s power in the music we listen to, especially good music. I think the music we listen to is often used as a mood setter………



One Comment

Kasey Shultz posted on October 5, 2016 at 8:32 am

Thanks Devin–for your thoughts and willingness to be vulnerable, for the strength and commitment that fills your words, and, most of all, thanks for your hope.

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