A Bird’s Breath

To humans, Avian flight can seem to be a simple, effortless, freeing experience. Birds seem to flap effortlessly to great heights before they coast and find a thermal, staying aloft for hours at a time.


As we know, this is far from the case. The flight of a bird is extremely complex in many respects, the most evident being their intricate wing strokes. Perhaps just as important, yet less obvious, is their breathing.

While it may seem that a bird is barely exerting itself by flapping its wings, it is a very taxing motion involving a lot of muscle power. One primary evolutionary adaption to this level of exercise is the presence of a highly specialized respiratory system. Mammals like you and I breath in a bidirectional manner, with our lungs filling with air, then exhaling in the same manner. This causes some of the air inhaled to not be fully exhaled, mixing with newly inhaled air during the next breath. This is inefficient, as the stagnant air in a mammal’s lung contains less oxygen than fresh air, allowing less oxygen to enter the bloodstream and power muscular contraction.


Avian respiratory systems have evolved to be unidirectional, filling and draining with different motions. The key to this adaption is the presence of not only two lungs, but also two posterior air sacs, and two anterior air sacs. When a bird inhales it fills its posterior air sacs as well as it’s lungs and anterior air sacs. Then, when it exhales, air moves from the posterior air sacs into the lungs, and from the lungs and anterior air sacs out of the body. This is complicated to explain in words, thus it may be helpful to reference the animation included below (please excuse that it is not embedded, it is a flash animation).


Here is a video which shows the same process from a different perspective:

This makes sense, as relatively large amounts of power are lost to drag and gravity while a bird attempts to keep aloft, thus it must be working its muscles very hard. For muscles to work without building up too much lactic acid they have to be fed an ample supply of oxygen. It would be difficult for a bird could gain sufficient oxygen for flight from the bidirectional lungs found on mammals, thus they had to evolve the more efficient, capable, unidirectional respiratory system.


1. Bird Respiratory System

2. Adaptations for Flight

3. Respiratory Systems of Birds: Anatomy and Function

4. Respiratory System: Avians

Ancestors of Birds Had Four Wings

We have looked at the final solutions so far of nature and flight. However, they had to have a beginning somewhere. There were two theories about how flight evolved around the time of dinosaurs. The first was that flight evolved from dinosaurs running very fast, and then eventually became more and more aerodynamic, and finally took to the skies. This was the ground-up theory. The other one was that flight evolved from the tops of trees down. That gliding came first, and then over time powered flight was achieved. In 2003 a new fossil was found that would eventually decide what theory was correct.

The fossil was that of the Microraptor. This unique creature had feathers, but maintained some of its dinosaur looks.  It had a wingspan of about one meter, and weighed only 1kg (2.2lbs). The interesting thing was that this animal had two sets of wings. With this extra set of wings it was debated whether they were used for powered flight, or if they were simply for gliding. A study found that the four wings were actually physically incapable of powered flight.  They concluded that it could only glide, and that the Microraptor would glide over 40 meters.

The same study found that  if the Microraptor was to jump from a tree, it would have to land on another tree, because it would not have survived if it hit the ground. It seems that the debate has been concluded. Flight started with animals gliding from one tree to the next.

Soon after the Microraptor there was a shift in evolution from four wings to two wings. However, the Microraptor is believed to still be an ancestor of the modern birds.


A Kettle of Bald Eagles

The Bald Eagle, which was taken off of the Endangered Species list in 2007, is an amazing representation of power over time. Up from about 400 breeding pairs, the Bald Eagle now has over 9700 pairs throughout North America and is continuing to grow.

An eagle mates for life, or the life of their mate, as it stays paired with another bird until one of them dies. They also often remain in small groups spread over a large area of land and become a fairly tightly knit group. When an Eagle migrates it does so with its home flock, or kettle, and the groups generally stay the same over the years.

The female eagle, which is slightly larger than its male counterpart, is about 35 to 37 inch from beak to tail feathers and has a wingspan between 72 and 90 inches. The tips of the wings have rounded feather and contribute stength to the lift of the bird and the forward movement. The Bald Eagle uses a figure-eight motion when flying but it prefers to glide on thermal updrafts when covering long distances.

Although the eagle cannot match the speed of a falcon, it does have a great deal more strength. The bald eagle can take about four pounds of additional weight while flying and can live up to 30 years in the wild.
One danger for the bird, outside of human interference, is catching too large of prey. Because the bald eagle primarily hunts fish, it is sometimes at risk of being pulled into the water and has had to adapt accordingly. Although awkward, the eagle can maintain a form of flight while on the water and can work itself to shore by flapping its wings on the water surface.

(this is a long video if you skip to 1:00 and then watch for a few minutes you should get the majority of the action)

(I also want to throw in that the eagle was holding out its wings in an effort to dry them so that it could fly again - the water doesnt hurt them)


1) Rutledge, Hope. "American Bald Eagle." American Bald Eagle Info. 2011. Web. 15 Oct. 2011.
2)"Bald Eagle Facts and Pictures." National Geographic Kids. National Geographic. 17 Oct. 2011. .
3)"Bald Eagle Facts." Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. Viginia.Gov. 16 Oct. 2011..

The Astonishing Agility of the Dragonfly

The dragonfly is an extremely unique insect, both in the shape of its body, and its 4 independent wings. Lets start with its eyes. The dragonfly, like many insects, has nearly 30,000 eyes, called compound eyes(1). This doesn't work well for traditional sight it gives the dragonfly a 360 degree motion detector of sorts. This is critical because the dragonfly uses that motion detector to find prey and it enables the dragonfly to use its supreme mobility to hunt down what it saw.

Source: Scottish National Heritage

Lets get into that mobility, as it is where the dragonfly really shines. Birds can fly only in one direction because of the requirement of having air flow over their wings to generate lift. While there is a humming bird that can fly backwards it nowhere nears the acrobatics of a dragonfly. With 4 wings it can fly up, down, sideways, forward, and backward without changing its orientation (1). These amazing insects can hover in one spot with no motion in any direction or fly upwards of 38 mph depending on the species (2).

The secret to this maneuverability is the dragonfly's 4 wings. They enable it to quickly change direction, slow down, or accelerate extremely rapidly. Recent studies by Cornell Physicists looked into different ways of pairing and flapping the wings affected flight and energy use. The dragonfly can use both pairs of wings flapping in tandem to obtain the fastest acceleration and directional changes while by flapping the wings at the same rate but out of phase the dragonfly could conserve energy while hovering. Out of phase means when the front pair of wings are at the top of the flap the back pair are at the bottom and vice versa. Below is a simulation put together of a dragonfly flapping and the airflow generated.

There are currently projects going on to develop robotic dragonflies to use as spy cams along with other things. Their light frame, amazing flight abilities, and small size make robotic versions of them extremely appealing. There currently has been little progress made considering the complications associated with 4 independent wings and complicate flight maneuvers(4). However, there are toy versions currently on the market if you are looking to pick one up such as the WowWee Dragonfly pictured below.

Source: http://images.tigerdirect.com/SKUimages/medium/WowWee-Dragonfly4032-main.jpg


1. Dragonfly Biology

2. Dragonfly FAQ

3. Cornell Dragonfly Study

4. Dragonfly Robotics

Bats – the only flying mammals

Bats are the only mammals which have attained powered, flapping flights. Though bats fly, their anatomy are more closely related to humans than to birds. To be able to understand how bats fly, we must first consider the anatomy of their wings.

Bat wings are highly articulated, with more than two dozen independent joints and a thin flexible membrane covering them. Their wings are similar in structure to the human arm and hand as shown in the picture.

anatomy of bat's wing

The bones of the hand and the four fingers are greatly elongated, light and slender to provide support and to manipulate the wing membrane which is called the patagium. The second digit, the proximal parts of the third digit, and the dactylopatagium medius compose the leading edge of the wind which is usually stiff while the third finger forms the wing tip. As for the trailing edge of the wing, it is unsupported. This set up of the wings serves as a sort of thin aerofoil with very high camber, allowing the bat to fly well under low-speed, high-lift conditions.

Thus, the patagium, which can only withstand tensile loads, consists of two thin layers of skin with high density nerves, tendons and blood vessels. The elastic fibers within the patagium increases flexibility and may store energy. An interesting fact about the patagium is that it is free of fur and scientists believe that this adaptation is to facilitate airflow.

Bat flight is considered to be one of the most complex forms of locomotion, involving interplay of a highly jointed wing skeleton and a extremely flexible membrane. Bats have unique muscles in the patagium, chest and back to power the wing during flight.

To accurately track the position and shape of bones throughout the wing stroke, researchers have placed reflective markers on joints, along the bones and at key points on the wing membrane.

Unlike birds and insects which can fold and rotate their wings during flight, bats have many more options. Their flexible skin can catch the air and generate lift or reduce drag in many different ways. During the straightforward flight, the wing is mostly extended for the down stroke, but the wing surface curves much more than a bird's does-giving bats greater lift for less energy. During the up stroke, the bats fold the wings much closer to their bodies than other flying animals, potentially reducing the drag they experience. The wing's extraordinary flexibility also allows the animals to make 180-degree turns in a distance of less than half a wingspan. This flexibility may be fundamental to chiroptean flight, allowing enhanced lift generation along with weight reduction. During flapping, the wings pushes against the air rowing the bat through the air. Forward movement is generated because the animal changes the angle at which the wings pass through the air, and the shape of it wings, on the up and down strokes. Thus the wing is broad against the air on the down stroke but tilted to slide through it with the minimum of resistance on the up stroke.

According to observations done, the aerodynamics of the bat's strokes are quite different from those of birds and insects. During the down stroke, the vortex which generates much more of the lift in flapping-wing flight, closely tracks the animal's wingtip. In the up stroke, the vortex seems to be shed from another location entirely, perhaps from the animal's wrist joint.

This unusual pattern most likely results from the tremendous flexibility and articulation of the bat's wings, but it also seems to contribute to a substantial savings in the energy the animal expends.

Throughout the experiments done to decipher the flight mechanism of bats, researchers have also noticed distinct differences between bats and birds. Instead of feathers projecting back from lightweight, fused arm and hand bones,bats have flexible, elastic membranes that stretch between specially extended, slender bones of the hand. Also , bat's bones and wing membrane both change shape with every wing beat, flexing in response to the balance forces applied by the muscles and competing forces due to the air motion around them.
Furthermore, unlike bird wings, bat wings membrane must be kept under tension or else it will flap uselessly. As such, there are limits to how much the wing can be folded during flight. Finally, during upstroke, birds feather their wings but bats must do something different and eventually they have developed a twisting wing path that increases the lift during the upstroke.

Finally, one important point about the wings of bats is that they are not designed for take off and in order to take off, they have to fall from a high location. This feature of bat wings might be the reason why bats sleep upside down. To be able to sleep upside down all day without using any extra energy, bats have developed a clamp mechanism in their hind claws which is based on gravity.
