Posts by: julianeh

The postdoc guide book Part 3

By Juliane I started looking at the postdoc guide book, and I am surprised how much information there is for postdocs, we just have to find it. It is also slightly out of date, being compiled at published in 2011. It hasn’t been updated since then. We got settled and are now equipped to deal […]

The postdoc guidebook (part 2)

by Juliane I started reading the postdoc guide book here. Since then I have found out that I can just google postdoc guide book BUMC to find it and don’t have to follow the links on the GMS postdoc website. Much easier this way! The next part of the guidebook is called getting settled. There […]

The postdoc guide book (part 1)

by Juliane There is a very comprehensive document for postdocs kindly provided by Yolanta from the office of postdoctoral affairs. It is accessible from the OPA website. I don’t think many postdocs have read it, so I decided to read it and write about it. This document is surprisingly comprehensive, or at least long (34 […]

sciency holidays

by Juliane For the end of the year, I would like to share another science video, this time holiday themed. enjoy and happy holidays!    

Keeping enthusiasm

by Juliane As a postdoc it is sometimes hard to maintain enthusiasm. When I started in science I was super-enthusiastic, everything was new and interesting and I learned fascinating stuff every day. I sometimes wish I was still like that. Over time I noticed that there is  another side of lab work: failed experiments, hours of […]


by Juliane In 2003 these two fish swam across the pacific ocean to find Nemo: Five years earlier, S. Yamaoka and colleagues also set out to find Nemo, the NF-kappaB essential modifier. NF-kappaB is a very famous transcription factor, which is present in all eukaryotic cells and can be activated by a large number of […]

The Art of Follow-up

by Lauren, CEO of propel careers this post is reposted from the propel careers blog. Following up with individuals who you meet at scientific conferences, through networking, and other activities is important to develop relationships with your connections. Over time, these relationships can provide insight into industry, various career paths, and job opportunities. These connections should […]

Career advancement for postdocs – five tips

by Juliane As postdocs we are always striving to advance our careers, foremost through performing brilliant research in the laboratory or in silico and publication of said brilliant research. Unfortunately being great in the lab is simply not enough to successfully transition to a faculty position. Here are some ideas that could help postdocs acquire […]


You can snap your fingers. You can snap a photo, use it in windows 7 or snap a lock shut. To snap is a very useful verb. No wonder that some scientists (G. Oyler and colleagues) decided that SNAP would be a great acronym for synaptosomal-associated protein. SNAP was discovered in synaptosomes in 1989. Synaptosomes are […]

Advice for Listing Research Details on Your Resume

by Lauren, CEO of propel careers this post is reposted from the propel careers blog When you apply to a job, the details listed on your resume provide your “future employer” with information about the type of job you are looking for. The key words you include, the way you phrase your accomplishments and experiences, how […]