Category: Announcements

Calliope Project: Auditions for MEDEA

Come one, come all! The Calliope Project presents Euripides’ classic tragedy of the hellish fury unleashed by one woman scorned. Passion and a fury for performance required. The Calliope Project invites everyone to audition for our production of Medea, the classic of Greek Tragedy by Euripides.  Audition swill be held January 23rd through 25th, with […]

Two days left: Calliope CC102 Books Raffle

Elizabeth Moss of The Calliope Project writes: This is just a reminder that there are only TWO DAYS LEFT to sign up for The Calliope Project’s CC102 text raffle. For a paltry $2, you can get your name on our drawing list for a chance to win the ENTIRE CC102 BOOK LIST! It’s too good […]

CFA School of Music presents: World Music Concert

Winter blues and finals got you down? Come to a special world music performance this Saturday and be transported to another land! The event will feature Balinese Shadow Plays, along with the BU West African Music and Dance Ensemble, the BU Greek Music Ensemble. This Saturday, December 10, at 8 p.m., in the concert hall […]

Tonight: Theater of War pre-show talk, after-show reception

From Erin McDonagh (Core ’08, CAS ’10), member of the EnCore Steering Committee: As Core alums, we all know that no one understood war or tragedy like the ancient Greeks. In Theater of War, actors read excerpts from Sophocles’ tragedies Ajax and Philoctetes, with the aim of drawing attention to the challenges faced by veterans […]

This Wednesday: Theater of War at BU

Prof. Stephen Esposito, of the BU Department of Classics, writes: On Wednesday, December 7th, the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, Theater of War will visit Boston University and perform scenes from Sophocles’ Ajax, the only play in Greek tragedy that depicts the suicide of a soldier in war. This play has been a major focus […]

URGENT! – The Nutcracker at Boston Ballet

Core has just received approval to take a group of students to the performance of the Nutcracker at Boston Ballet on Friday, December 9th at 7:30 p.m. Before we buy tickets, we need to know how many of you would be interested in joining us for this very special event. By “interest” we mean how […]

Samons Lunchtime talk: cancelled

Due to an emergency which has forced Prof. Jay Samons to cancel his campus obligations today, today’s promised Lunch Box Talk on the topic of democracy is also canceled. Prof. Formichelli, the series organizer, extends her regrets to those of you this news disappoints. If another Lunch Box Talk session is scheduled before the end […]

Core Advising

As we move into the registration period for first-year students, it bears repeating that the Core faculty are happy to offer advising help,  especially if you have questions about how the second semester of Core fits into your  larger academic goals. We’d be glad to talk about what you can expect in the second  semester, […]

Calliope: Auditions for “Earnest”

Auditions for the Spring 2012 production of The Importance of Being Earnest will be held next week in the following locations: Monday, November 7th: 7pm-10pm, CAS 222 Tuesday, Nov. 8th: 7pm-10pm, CAS 320 & 323-B Wednesday, Nov. 9th: (callbacks): 7pm-10pm CAS 323-B It’s a fantastic show with a fantastic director, and I hope to see […]

RA Positions: Core House & Core Floor

Core sophomores and juniors who are interested in applying for the position of RA in one of the Core Floors in Warren Towers or in the Core House at 141 Carlton Street (South Campus, just over the St. Mary’s Street bridge), should note the following application deadlines: If you are planning to study abroad next […]