Category: Community

Jay Samons & ‘What follows Democracy?’

Prof. Samons gave his famous Trireme lecture last Tuesday – a most exciting highlight of CC101 according to our alumni! Refresh your memory with some select quotes from previous years: “Triremes were built to kill. You can’t have fun on a trireme. You can’t water-ski behind one. You can’t hold an afternoon BBQ on one. […]

Visiting Writers Series: Joseph Campana

The News Report covered Joseph Campana’s campus visit on Friday September 27th as part of the creative writing program’s Visiting Writers Series. Joseph is a Renaissance poet, scholar and critic, and has been a Core instructor!               Joseph Campana is the author of “The Pain of Reformation: Spenser, Vulnerability, and […]

Montaigne on Film

A Youtube channel named Montaigne On Film has caught our attention! Their videos take an abstract approach to Montaigne’s ideas, which are studied in CC201 this semester. Check them out below: How our emotions discharge against false objects when lacking real ones Our emotions get carried away beyond us On sadness

Check out Chekhov: He will give you social skills

In a post for the NY Times, Pam Belluck describes a recent study on the effects of literature on social interaction: After reading literary fiction, as opposed to popular fiction or serious nonfiction, people performed better on tests measuring empathy, social perception and emotional intelligence — skills that come in especially handy when you are trying to […]

Rembrandt’s Lesser-Known Genius

We all know of Rembrandt’s great paintings, from Night Watch to The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp, but the genius of this great Dutch artist did not stop when the paint brush did. Rembrandt also had a skill for print making and etching, a skill currently on display at the Museum of Fine Arts. […]

See the new Core T-shirts!

For more information on our T-shirts, visit the Core office in CAS 119!

Boston mayoral candidates discuss environment

Ecology and the environment are important topics in CC105 and CC106, so the Core is delighted to share that the Boston mayoral candidates are discussing a whole range of plans to boost recycling, curb emissions, and adapt to sea levels! Here is an extract from a relevant article for the Boston Globe: In hopes of improving air […]

Fourth of July on the Esplanade

The Core wishes a happy Fourth of July to all students – especially those lucky enough to be there at the Esplanade for the celebration! Kara Baskin of The Boston Globe writes: July Fourth commemorates the Declaration of Independence. It is hard to feel independent when cheek-to-jowl with someone in a foam Statue of Liberty […]

Salvador Dali Show on View at Hillel

Relating to the Core’s study of the Old and New Testaments, is a fascinating series of lithographs from later in Salvador Dali’s career, titled Aliyah: The Rebirth of Israel, depicting the history of the Jewish people’s return to Israel. Here is an extract from BU Today’s article on the topic: While 250 copies of the Aliyahlithographs were […]

Core Journal Now Available!

The Spring 2013 Edition of the Core Curriculum Jounal is now available online, at (click on Vol. XXII). Congratulations to the staff – you have done a fantastic job! If anyone would like a hard copy, feel free to send us your address at and we will get to it!