Category: Uncategorized

Losing Longhand?

In a post for the National Post, Andrew Coyne discusses the recent drop in students’ ability to write long-hand, and the potential harms that this could bring. Here is an extract: Typing is file retrieval, remembering where a letter is. With handwriting, you create the letters anew each time, using much more complex motor skills. […]

Above the Door

The sign pictured below was posted, by unknown parties, outside the entrance to the CC102 Final Exam in May 2013.

Notes from the February EnCore Book Club: Persepolis

The EnCore book club met this month to discuss the popular graphic novel Persepolis, by Iranian artist Marjane Satrapi. It was an unusual choice for the group for a variety of reasons: the book is a memoir of a young girl growing up in revolutionary Iran, it was originally written in French, and it was published as a […]

Core Housing application deadline!

The deadline for Specialty housing is this Thursday, February 21st. For anyone interested in living in the Core House next year it’s important to apply before then. The application is very simple, and should take only a few minutes to complete, and it involves no obligation on your part. In other words, it simply opens […]

Adam and Dog

The Core is delighted to share with students this Oscar-nominated short animated film by Minkyu Lee, named Adam and Dog. It is a compelling take on the creation story of The Book of Genesis (studied in CC101) from the point of view of a playful dog, which comes into contact with the first man in […]

Summer Program in Greece 2013!

There will be a special meeting TONIGHT, Thursday February 7th, for students interested in the Summer 2013 program in Greece, about which details appear below. The information session with the “BU Philhellenes” will take place at 6 PM in CAS Room 214. Next Wednesday, February 13th, an info sessions specifically for Core students will be […]

Represent Core at Summer Orientation!

The Orientation office is now reviewing applications for Summer 2013 advisor positions. Freshmen (and higher) are eligible for FYSOP staff positions. Sophomores (and higher) are eligible for the position of Student Advisor. Serving on the Summer Orientation staff is a great way to talk about the unique Core style of learning to incoming students, and […]

Daily Photo: The Fall of Lucifer Illustrations

  These are drawings by 19th century French artist Paul Gustave Doré, made for Paradise Lost. The first depicts Lucifer trying to hold on to Heaven before he is sent down to hell for inciting a war in the between the angels invariably causing the fall of man. The second shows Lucifer being cast out […]

Summer Program in Athens, Greece

The Core Curriculum and the Department of Classical Studies invite you to consider studying with us this summer in Athens, Greece. The program will consist of two courses to be taught on the beautiful campus of Deree: The American College of Greece, situated in the Agia Paraskevi suburb of Athens.  Students will study the Greek […]

‘Writers and Artists at Harvard’ by Helen Dendler

This month’s issue of Harvard Magazine features an essay by Porter University Professor Helen Vendler, about how important it is to understand, attract, and evaluate applicants whose creative talents might otherwise be overlooked. This is relevant to all universities, including Boston University, and it relates to the principles of the Core Curriculum. Here is an […]