Category: Uncategorized

On the 5th Day of BU, BU gave to me…

NO MORE CLASSES!!! annnnd …a HILARIOUS finals freakout …an epic night at Tequila Rain …FREE Sunset Nachos and suuuupperr cheap massages! YOU GUYS CLASSES ARE DONE FOR THE SEMESTER! I hope you’re all celebrating as much as I am (and if you’re celebrating in the same way I am, then you are marathoning Law & […]

On the forth day of BU, YouTube gave to me…

… a HILARIOUS finals freakout. …an epic night at Tequila Rain! (Day 3) …FREE SUNSET NACHOS! (Day 2) and suuuupperr cheap massages! (Day 1) Just remember Terriers, at least this didn’t happen in Mugar. Happy finals! -Emma

On the third day of BU, Senior Week gave to me…

…an epic night at Tequila Rain! …FREE SUNSET NACHOS! (Day 2) and suuuupperr cheap massages! (Day 1) Tonight, Senior Terriers… tonight. Head down near Fenway with your fellow soon-to-be graduates for another night of fun and mayhem (oops, did I say that?), this time at Tequila Rain. Be sure to dress in some hideous holiday […]

On the second day of BU, gave to me…

…FREE SUNSET NACHOS. and suuuupperr cheap massages! (Day 1) Hey Terriers, I bet you’re eating tons of junk during these stressful weeks, so why not continue the trend with some mouth-watering nachos from Sunset Cantina!, a food service here in Boston (similar to Grubhub and others), is sending a representative to the GSU tonight […]

On the first day of BU, Student Health Services gave to me…

…super cheap massages! Terriers, as finals stress looms I’m sure we’re all feeling a little more tense than usual. Did you guys know that Student Health offers awesome massages at cheap prices? If you’ve got as much work as I do, I’m sure you could use some relaxation! Here’s the info – massages are only […]

It Has Never Felt So Great to BU

Hey there, Terriers, Read this and love your life: Boston University Named the Best Place to Go to School in the Country As if we needed proof that we’re the best university in the Boston area, now we have it in writing. And we’re not just better than our hometown rivals like BC, Northeastern and […]

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas, But Feel A Lot Like The 4th of July

Seriously, you guys, what is up with this weather? If there are lights on the trees up and down Comm Ave, finals soon to beupon us, and (rumor has it) Christmas music has been playing in a few of the Dining Halls around campus, wouldn’t you expect the temperatures to be dropping? So what gives […]

Terriers Giving Back

Hey BU, Thanksgiving Break is finally here!!!! Can you believe the semester has flown by so quickly? As the holidays are fast approaching, we like to remember just what’s important around campus. The Community Service Center at BU is a great way to do just that. This season, the CSC is participating in Angel Tree. […]

You SOOOOOO Funny, BU!

Hey there, Terriers! A quick reminder for all you folks looking for some plans before you hit the town Friday night: BU Central is hosting the “BU’s Funniest Student” competition (Round 1) from 8:30 – 11:30pm! We all need a laugh by the end of these stressful academic weeks, so come see the funniest comedians […]

The NBA Lockout and Why I Don’t Care

As most of you have probably noticed by now, the NBA has yet to reach an agreement to end the lockout, and at this point, it looks as if there will be no NBA season. My opinion? WHO CARES. As a professional athlete, you are being paid millions of dollars to do what you love […]